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  1. Nope, we have an atreides con yrd and a windtrap. Also those buildings in Harkonnen shapes :)
  2. Generals board? No that's the WWEXP boards. That's a screenshot of our mod for Renegade :)
  3. Hey guys. Just thought I'd spread the word around the dune community, The Renegade: Battle for Dune mod team are letting out a kinda "preview" map for everyone to play sometime this weekend. Please check this thread on our forum for more info. Thanks.
  4. I guess we could do that. But then it's name would be meaningless...
  5. killakanz

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  6. So far we haven't been able to get a working EITS. We are comming up with ideas but none have worked yet. oh yea, and replying to scytale, we already have working Ornithopters. :)
  7. hi guys. Sorry I haven't checked here in a while. We wont be able to make units like the deviator because it's impossible to make a weapon for Renegade that makes the target switch sides. We're having lots of limitations and we're sorry we can't get everything, but I still think we're doing well. Also I'd like to say thanks to FED2k for the great resources on the Emperor pages, it's been very useful in making the models :)
  8. The carryall logic is not possible yet in Renegade, but there are some very talented scripters in the Renegade community so who knows what might come up before it's release. Of course, the devastator will be very slow, but very... er... devastating. :)
  9. Hi people. I thought you guys might be interested the team at www.westwoodexp.com are working on a mod for Renegade, based on Emperor: Battle for Dune. We have just opened up our beta testing slots, so if anyone here has Renegade, you may be interesting in signing up :) check this thread for more info: http://www.westwoodexp.com/forums/index.php?act=SC&c=7 Thanks.
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