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  1. As you guys are saying, Ordos dous rule at infantry wars, especially the chem troopers ;)
  2. FED2K - Bi-La Kaifa
  3. But files are'nt able to have :"/.<> in them
  4. It says its on the back of my CD rom case. I looked there, there is a white strip with "serial number" writen on it, and a ":" after it. But after the ":" there is no number, its just blank.
  5. What's the serial number?
  6. I need help installing the 1.06 patch! :- Yes I saved opened it on my desktop. What do I do now??? :-
  7. I have the Dune 2000 game and the Emperor:Battle for Dune game, but the emperor game doesn't have a serial number, its gonna come today (the serial number) :(
  8. Hello :)I'm a new member (to the chat room, the game) I will be answering posts and making posts to, just so you know :)
  9. Devieter


    Spice regenerates over time... But lots of it spread around when you shoot or move on that spice hill thingy. :)
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