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Everything posted by Tiidian-Acolyte

  1. Why do you all like EBFD so much??? what makes it so good??? Y not like homeworld or tibirien sun or somthing like that??
  2. Fine, do you guys want me to stop the cage match's ???????
  3. Is there going to be a EBFD 2 ???? and if so when is t going to come out???
  4. Hey all im back!!!! yay!!! somethin' happened and i was kicked for awhile but im back!! so on to the next match!!! Emperor:battle for dune - VS - ????????? what game do yiou guys think should go up agiants EBFD????
  5. Well ya but hey Eric This is RED ALERT 2 - vs - EMPEROR Were does warcraft 3 come in?????????? So answer the qustion.........which is better RA2 or Emperor????? Not war craft3
  6. what do you mean SPAM ?????? what are you talking about??????
  7. cool thanx for writing!!! spred the word of the New match!!! tell every one to vote!!!!!!!!!
  8. Wow you guys are brutel!!!! but any way Please help me spread the word of the NEW STARCRAFT vs EMPEROR cage match on this forum!!!! tell everyone to vote!!!!!
  9. Really thats cool thanx for your input!!!! and for being the first to reply!!!!!!!!!! ;D
  10. Hey guys its me agian!!!!!! the cage match is back and roaring!!!!!!! Now this match is Starcarft vs Emperor, Vote which game is better and why, and please be specific on who you are voting for!!!!!!
  11. Well im sorry to say...... but this page is now over!!!!!!!!!! no more votes nothing!!!!! Home world won by a long shot!!!!!!!!!!! even on a Emperor forum, just shows you how good of a game it is!!!!!! But this page is closed!!!!!!!!!
  12. Well Its down to the wire here!!!!!!!!! So far it looks like Emperor is winning EBFD-6 RA2-2 please get all your votes in!!!!!!! Your voice will count!!!! The first game to get to 9 votes wins!!!!!! Please VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Hey thanx taqw11(if thats right) those cool pix rocked!!!! thanx man!!!!
  14. DAMN thats a very long reply :) that you very much!!!! im gald you gave me and all the others that info
  15. lol thats a good one!!!!
  17. the graphix are ok but Iv seen much better!!!! They need more Mechs!!! like with the Harkonin they have the devestater!! they need more mech type of things!!!!! and in RA2 the deplpying units look much cooler
  18. Yes that is a very good point!!!!!!! and with EBFD you only had to bet on of the 2 teams to win!!!!!
  19. Bummer!!!!! :-[
  21. hey all whats up??? I Just wanted to know if there are any GIRLS on this forum or is it only us guys that have no life so we sit here and type on a video game forum????????
  22. Ya i know "lol" Home world won on an EBFD forum!!!!!!!!! Just shows you what a good game it is!!!!!!!!
  23. Ya thats true!!! RA2 would be a 7:10 and emperor would be 9;10
  24. Well thank you very much.....you R a very kind person!!!!! Im thinking abolut burning EBFD for all my friends cuase they really wana try it!!!! Then ill have them come on down to this page and It'll be onje big happy family!!!!!! But thanks agian!!! its always nice to hear from a kind person!!!!!!
  25. well ya I do ask that!!!!! Because there is an Emperor forum but there is no RA2 forum!!!!! and some people might like RA2 more but there just is no forum for it1111111 So before you ask a dumb a quistion like that THINK!!!!!!! >:(
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