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  1. I do use DAP but i didn't use dap when i downloaded it. ::) BTW I have new problem with QH2.When i try to play single skirmish it locks up and deletes emperor folder. >:( I had to reinstall emperor. >:( I'm sure some of you have had success with this mod but it doesn't work for me. ???I think it has bug or isn't compatible with my computer. :'(
  2. Yippee Gob fixed it! I guess i decided to download it the same day Gob decided to mess it up! :P O well problem solved! ;D
  3. What gets me the most is when they curse you out during a game because your winning! >:( I mean its just a game they gotta learn how to lose! I've also had people curse me out when i enter a game for no reason and saying "man what a fag we r gonna kill u" LOL I ofcourse dont always win when they do that but when they do that it makes me wanna crush them! ;D
  4. I agree its getting worse! ??? I will be happy to play with u or anybody for that matter!I unlike most of the other players always play for fun.My clan RAT is afterall a clan for training newbies. ;)
  5. Look when i downloaded it all i got was a file with the name 481 on it. Its not any kind of file just a file.Trust me i know a zip file when i see one. :P
  6. Unzip? its not a zip file! ??? I cant unzip a non zip file! :P
  7. I mean nothing changes its like the mod isn't there! ??? BTW I know alot of other people are having the same problem. >:(
  8. I have version 1.09 :) Doesn't everybody? :P
  9. I was playing QM other day when i came up against surubim.The game started normal but 1minute into the game I lost connection to him.I think that is cheating but im not sure.I tryed to ask him after y he disconnected but he would'nt answer me.The picture is proof.
  10. I downloaded Quisatz haderach 2 and installed it in data files and no matter what i try i cant get it to work! ??? I tryed reinstalling but no it still doesn't work. :'(
  11. spad567

    WC3 OR EBFD?

    I am currently playing EBFD and want to know which yall think is better: EBFD OR WC3?
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