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    Carefree AZ (near Phoenix)
  1. Here it is (for Windows 7 - Steam) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Railroad Tycoon 2 Platinum\games
  2. Hi, I am now playing RR2 Plat from Steam. I am using Win 7. All works well. except I cannot find the backup fines. I have carefully followed all the above suggestions. i.e. searching for backup file names and backup extensions. I have also followed the Steam paths. the user, my documents path and a number of other paths I found thru the Windows Explorer. I did find under User/Myname/My documents/My games/Sid Meier's Railroad's/Saves/Auto, a bunch of very old RR2 saved games from an old installation. I had an old disk installed RR2 which I erased a year ago. Last month I reinstalled the game via Steam. Any help out there other than what has already been offered?
  3. Cogeo ^^^ Your post was full of information, much of it unknown to me. Also enjoyed the tips on the "how to" part of finance. Only one question. While I am sure that I have read the technique under some other name, please give me a brief description of the "Stitching Technique" thanks for the info. Glaun
  4. Very helpful, Cogeo, Thanks
  5. I asked "When the "Financial Journal" (not the Annual Report) is displayed it announces something like, "Forecast Cooling"or some other economic condition. Do you know if this condition is effective immediately? Or is it a forecast and will take place in the future? (most likely the next quarter)" I tested. As soon as the announcement of an economic condition appears in Journal, the economic condition exists.
  6. Thanks Silver, I did know about the "N" hot key. I tried it in the Alaska scenario and over the course of the game when I hit the N key,I would get a message that no newspaper reports were available. Must have been a key error on my part or a bug. Either way, thanks for all the input.
  7. Great idea. Thanks. Still curious. When the "Financial Journal" (not the Annual Report) is displayed it announces something like, "Forecast Cooling"or some other economic condition. Do you know if this condition is effective immediately? Or is it a forecast and will take place in the future? (most likely the next quarter) As I understand it the Annual Report only states the current condition and won't report differently until the next Annual Report at the end of the year. ( The Annual Report is the one you get with the A key. The Journal comes up randomly and I haven't found a way to recall the Journal)
  8. I should apologize GWiz, but considering the topic I must confess, I never got past, "The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak." Ah, old age, ain't it great.
  9. Thanks Wiz for the prompt answer. Yes, I remembered about the "A" key and report. I need to clear up my question a bit. When there is a change in economic conditions, it is reported in "The "Financial Journal" on the monitor. The change is up or down a level every 6 to 18 months. (P18 PopTop Official Strategy Guide RR2) During that 6 to 18 months the "Annual Report" (Hot Key A) states the condition of the economy as of the time of the report. I would like to know the condition of the economy at any specific time during the 6 to 18 months period (Primarily to know when a good time to expand would be). So here are the three questions I have: 1 The newspaper recall function would not recall Journal headline. Is there any other way to determine the current economy? 2 When the Journal headlines a financial condition ie "Economy Forecast, Growing Prosperity", does this mean the conditions are improved at the time of the announcement, or will it take place in the next quarter? 3 Is it possible to retrieve the Journal headline at any time prior to the next Journal. I have been playing RRT since the DOS days and if I ever knew the answer to the above I have forgotten it. Now I am so old I can't remember how to find it Thanks, Glaun Oh! and allow me to introduce myself to you GWiz, I too have crept pass the 70 year old mark. (75)
  10. My apologies in advance if this has been answered previously. I couldn't find a thread. How do you determin the economic condition (Cooling, Normal, etc) during the year after it has been once flashed on the screen. The Annual Report (A)does tell you the condition, but I think only at the time the report comes out once a year. Is there another report or screen that shows the economic condition at the time I ask for them? I have mashed all the buttons I can with no results. Thanks in advance.
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