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  1. By happen i found two triggers in the map Antarctica Rising. 1. Connect lake La Mancha - it gives 1m. You only need tu put a single track in near of the lake... 2. Gem deposit at Nox - it gives 600k Again a single track in near of Nox city At the start you have 1,600k money. Nice.
  2. After not having achieved gold, but getting the right results, i checked it - the 2nd condition is mistaken. As it was said it counts industry investments not profits. Being way to far to correct it, i've just invested money and made the scenario gold. The way to achieve it is to connect Athens with Izmir, then deleting bussiness in two years time. After that move to Spain. You should also remember to have at least 2 chemical plants in near of GCP.
  3. 1. Just Recently i saw that you can upgrade your tracks to electric tracks at no cost. Just put one electric track next to existing one, end extend it by only one track. It will cost you 0. 2. Building tracks is less expensive when you build it by one. Just build one track, leave space, next track, leave space and so on. Looks like this: - - - - - Then you connect the holes, but also by one: -------- It's a cheap way to build long connections. OFC you sometimes must build longer tracks, to avoid high grade. But on the plains it's very cheap. The same applies to expanding from one to two tracks - expand it by one, then connect the holes. Hope you enjoy it ;)
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