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Everything posted by RobertA

  1. Hi Gwizz, for the weather in italy - I'm not very shure but in south of italy it's about like autumn in seatle, no?<g> Well, better have a look at: http://www.italylogue.com/weather this page shows the longtime experience, or look at: http://www.weather.com/activities/travel/vacationplanner/?from=secondarynav on this site you also can have a look to the next future days. Happy holidays! (We've had first snow today ;) but last days were pretty warm.)
  2. Hi Gwizz, some more details which surprise me for shure we have such problems sometimes too but normaly this is avoided by reclamation from the other bidder(s). also I'm shure (because I've(we) allready been there before) when a a dollar surplus 'grows' to a 5.1 BILLION dollar deficit, all the other political opponents will not stop to tell this fact ervey time, every day, every campaign , until the next election does not end with a re-election. Even when it's 'true' and the surplus or the small debt unexpected grows up to a 5.1 billion debt because of the banking crisis because of the credit crisis because of the Stock Exchange because of the deficit from the nationalized industry ... because of what ever -> this politican and his party is definitively out of the race. (Even when the argument of the budget-lye respectively the financial-disqualification-argument is told by some 'uneligible'-opponents). So maybe - better: should be - future brings back better circumstances .... although it's hard to wait for. ;-)
  3. Hi there, I'm far away from your problem ;-) but you made me inquisitive. So I looked around little bit and besides an interesting source http://www.usatoday.com/travel/flights/2008-11-17-airport-check-in-new-runways_N.htm I could not find the reason for the enormous price - maybe the ten years? or the mitigation plan: http://www.portseattle.org/seatac/construction/thirdrunway.shtml But what's your problem? 'No general tax dollars will be used' and as you say: - so your region will benefit.!?Could not really understand what for this third runway is good for because: '...the third runway is to provide a second all-weather runway...In general, the third runway won't be needed as often in good weather....' (from: runwayFAQ http://www.portseattle.org/seatac/construction/thirdrunwayfaq.shtml#eight ) AND 'Last year, more than 347,000 planes took off and landed at Sea-Tac. Now three runways will be able to handle about 550,000 a year' Well anyway I'm not with thomasjordan If a politician would tell me: 'Sorry I've to go out shortly to pi...' I would believe most of the time .... and some times think 'Ok so pi.. off!'Wow congratulation 550.000 take off&landings a year would be more than one plain EVERY minute, EVERY hour, 24 hours EVERY day, EVERY month.... ok just open a shop with ear protectors just for gettin' rich. Ohh rich just in bad weather or what?
  4. Thank you! Until now I haven't worked with the editor. But if I like to find out the exact difference (in days<sigh>) between - a track making a 90deg bend within just 2 quarters and - a track making two 45deg bends I have to do this within the editor? Or loading a map and changing an option to slow clock (metro clock)?
  5. Hi there, im' new to this game and try to find out some basics: Is there any chance to find out the exact date? Thank you.
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