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Sir Cole Burns

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  1. Like her or not is not the issue. Its what the Republicans intend to do, and so far that is not any different to the way this country has been going. Our enemy is getting stronger in afghanistan, we are ten trillion in debt, that we the people know of. Our boarders are still wide open. we the people are now bailing out all the major financial institutions, which had been givin autonomy by the Republicans, shouldnt we at least get something for this? as far as earmarks go Sarah Palin has already gotton 200,000,000 for alaska this year alone. The rebublicans are for big bussiness. The dems for the people. Our country needs both to exists. Weve givin big tax breaks to high wealth for eight years now. Its time to go in the opposite direction for a while, so that we the people, can catch a break for a change. Its not about race, or creed, or religon. It hasnt been for a long time. Its about wealth and non-wealth!
  2. is there any way to erase the territory lines on another map and write new ones?
  3. ha ha way to go hawk! I guess your to smart for that anyway.hey you know the link to your forum at h and p dosent work. I saw your site but assumed the forum was no more. I will have to check it out.
  4. cool! thanks guys for the fix. I wish id have looked for this site when I started that scenario. Hey did you guys trigger the al capone challenge? AAA_Motor_City.zip
  5. when i test played it again, it said I lost when I should have won silver. I thought i must have had the settings wrong. Im kind of learning this as I go.
  6. Ive made a new map and its my first one. I need someone to try it out and let me know how you like it. But im not sure how to upload it. Maybee ill have to e-mail it to you. let me know.
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