Hi all,
I'm new here, and thanks for allowing my post.
I know this topic is over 12 years, but I'm still playing RRT2 recently, since this game contains my childhood memory.
A couple of years ago, I bought the game fro STEAM and restart my RRT2 career again.
Here I'd like to share some of my thoughts.
1. I wish the cross-ocean bridge could be double-lined.
My current workaround is to build two parallel bridges together, each for one direction.
But I still hope there could be a mod of doubling the bridge.
2. Speaking of mods, isn't there anyone modding the trains or adding new trains to the game?
I know that most of players are modding the trains in RRT3, but I'm really not a fan of the economy system of RRT3.
And I somehow prefer the simplicity of RRT2 more.
I hope there could be a way of adding new engines to the game.
3. I'm the one who like to play the game without pressure, so I always start the game rich.
But being rich for too long can cause problems, too.
That is, the stock value turns negative all of a sudden when the value passes a certain maximum.
I'm an IT guy, so I know what was behind the scene, that is, "32-bit signed integer overflow".
I think the severity of this bug is no less than any other bugs, since this may crash your company, or even crash the game.
Once I had managed to force through this bug, and the worth of my stock holding becomes "Error" in the market view.
But I couldn't reproduce the solution anymore. I just remember that I buy (buy back stock) and sell stocks for many times in a random sequence.
I encounter this bug just yesterday, and this time my game was frozen after a dialog saying that the broker has contacted me and I should handle my purchase power bla bla bla.
However, buying back stock with that "minus" value can devour the company's cash instantly.
If I had a lamp genie that can fix a bug in the game, I will choose this overflow problem first.
Or at least I wish I had an editor that can edit the saved games to reset some necessary values.
Hope there's still people playing RRT2, and possibly provide some tech help here.