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Everything posted by RabidDave

  1. Not forgetting that any train that sets a speed record will also add 10% to passenger revenues for any journey it makes.
  2. Got any tips for the 'When Walls Come Down' campaign ? Been a RRT2 player for 30 years but since buying the Platinum version from GOG Iv'e had nothing but grief from this scenario. Whatever tactics I try, the AI immediately alters the scenario in order to make sure I have a sh*t time. If I buy stock, it drops into a recession. If I buy industries, it alters the train consist or blows the train up. If I connect 2 large cities, there's no passengers or mail for a year at a time. Everything seems so pathetically 'OBVIOUS' that it seems like the game has been coded by a petulant 4 year old child. Iv'e completed this scenario a thousand times using the CD release but this has got me banging my head against the wall. Would sincerely appreciate some pointers. (Playing on Hard difficulty, btw. and will only accept a Gold.) Cheers, m8 !!
  3. Would you have any of the other BlueBaron tips at hand ? I used to use his site for gameplay tips and was gutted to find it extinct. Thanks for any help you could give. 😉👍
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