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Everything posted by CG

  1. Wotcher maddog, I only have the Furious in her 1918 configuration at desktop size, its in the zip below. You will have to edit it a bit along the edges unless you can live with the framing. Couldn't agree more with you about how interesting she was, she set the standard for all carriers upto the present day. I have a few of the 1917 version, but not of the size you require. regards Collin Furious1918.zip
  2. Hi Hawk, The fps is always a sim problem, with the main train models can you "lod" them? Or use a better form of .bmp, like a dxf type? If you can there is a site out there which can help... ;) Martin Wright http://www.mnwright.btinternet.co.uk/index.htm With scenery, there might be a possible way called GSL. I'm not a scenery builder but there has been big strides made in the flight sim community that could be adapted to the train sim. Try theses forums..http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/index.php? And the man you want is Maskrider. You didn't say which ship you downloaded, so I can't help you there with a big piccy. As with any model, the download size is governed by the graphic files it contains, so to keep it small the minimum size is used for screenies. The jpg's contained in the zips are there for the use in the flight sims Mission Builder so that the person knows what ship they are placing in the mission. Gmax isn't very user friendly but it has some good sides to it. The amount of different types of animation .sdl files available is far bigger then any other comparable CAD and the different export type files have a wider choice. Though I'm loathe to do this to a train sim, I shall leave you with some ship screenies hoping that one of them is what you want. In the cfs2 sim they can all dish out a load of punishment to any plane attacking. regards Collin
  3. Thanks Hawk. I looked at the sites you suggested and downloaded some maps from one and checked your screenies on the other. Do you use gmax to make your models? I'm not sure what MS TS requires, but it looks good stuff yer making there. I use FSDS2 and my web site is http://www.simviation.com/lair/cfs2shipyard.htm I had an early demo that was supposed to be RT 3, but it looked such a load of dross that I have shyied away from buying the proper release, and its now a bit of a problem to get it locally. Not sure I'll bother this year as its back to the model making in September. regards Collin
  4. Hi Peeps, I wish to say 'ello' to you all and introduce myself. Names Collin. Retired. Now pass my pc time making 3D models for CFS2. During times of developers burn-out I run my little tail around RT2 Platinum edition or Silent Hunter 1. Best wish's to you all. regards Collin
  5. Hi, a newbie here, but thought you might consider this suggestion. Build a small station asap outside of the influence area of the main station and call it Depot. It should have sand and watertower with a roundhouse. Run a train from the main stations to this Depot carrying all the excess loads that haven't been collected and set the flag on red each time it goes to the Depot. You will now find that the Depot acts like a bank and saves all the loads that you would have missed. As you extend your network, you can run trains from the Depot to other destinations that now will pay the premium rate for the load. The ferrying train/s will run at a loss, but you will not have the loss of loads or suffer trains that have only 1 or 2 active cars, especially those on long runs, or clog up a main station with a load of trains. This may seem to some a "cheat" but it happened in reality. regards
  6. Canada try this. 1 At station A pick up the three ore cars. 2 At station B, set the flag to yellow. Set the cars to 3 ore cars plus what ever else you want to pickup from this station. If you want to keep the originating cars on the same train you must remember to set them at station B, C, D, etc until they reach their destination. If you leave the flags alone then the ore will be sold at station B. If you have a red flag then they will be stored at the station, (you could use this unless you are at a very busy station). If station B requires them, then they are sold anyway. Am I preaching to the knowing already? regards Collin
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