Goal: Deregulation has finally come to Japan National Rail (JNR) - and you're the one stuck with it. Your task? Run profitably and amass a company value of $50 million in 25 years. Author's Comments: Feedback is requested regarding playability of this scenario. I lived in Japan from 92-97. During this time JNR was privatized. One of the biggest problems the new company faced was the inefficiency of its lines. This had been exacerbated over the years by politicians seeking Shinkansen (Bullet train) lines in their districts. Massive amounts of government money would then flow into the region for the construction of the extremely expensive lines - filling the coffers of contractors who would then pass on favors to the politician. Since the demand was not there to pay for this construction, JNR began to accumulate massive amounts of debt. My thinking behind this scenario is that the player should strive to maximize the efficiency of the trains. I threw in Mao Zedong as an example of the competition to JNR by private lines like Hankyu and Keihan. Due to the limitations of RRT I was unable to faithfully render this aspect of JNR's problem. However I still found the scenario to be enjoyable. I hope you do too.