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  1. hmm, it might have to do with the amount of slow-down (noticable or not) that occurs during that part of the game. see if it builds faster late in the game when there are very few units and players left After playing again, it seems that both unit and structure build time is longer after refinery. Speaking of the refinery, when the refinery is near the edge of the scrolling screen, the pad where the harvester unloads the spice has a few problems. When the refinery is at the bottom of the scrolling screen, a purple harvester appears there. When it is at the top and you scroll downwards, the patform slides with the screen fo a short time. Also, I noticed that when scrolling, a black rectangle flashes on the left side of the screen.
  2. I noticed several other bugs: -when queuing one type of unit and then queing another, it adds to the 1st unit queue (ex: I queue a siege tank. Then I queue a combat tank, but instead of a combat tank being queued, another siege tank is.) -units only come out of the bottom of buildings (if there is something below the building, units won't come out) -construction of buildings gets real slow after refinery/outpost (is this a issue with power being down and not coming back up after more windtraps are built, perhaps?) -when siege tanks (and possibly combat tanks) are near the edge of the scrolling screen, their turrets disappear -AI players just seem to sit there when playing as blue player (when I changed ini file to play as green, AI attacked like crazy) Hopefully I haven't repeated anything others have said. IMO, you did an excellent job with Dune 2:Redux.
  3. Only the graphix are choppy, it seems. The sound is not choppy. Perhaps it is my video card-I might be able to test on a system with a different card (both of my systems have the same card). Hopefully E:BFD will work with the third comp (it's rather picky about what will run on it for some reason.)
  4. I have checked the AGP settings on my comps and they both seem to be configured properly. I have had the graphics on low since I noticed the problem. The game ran much faster but choppiness still occurred. I also tried shutting down all background programs, but this did not help. But... Other than the choppiness, E:BFD works fine. I just ground the AI into the rock their puny base sat on. ;D
  5. Sorry if I wasn't too clear in that last post, I was still half-asleep. I have installed Emperor on both of my systems, fixing my first problem (locked up before installation began). The choppiness problem, however, has not been fixed. By saying "the menu of BIOS that changes the AGP settings",I meant the menu in BIOS where I would be able to change the AGP settings. Once again, sorry if my last post was not all that clear.
  6. I set the res to 800x600, changed to 256 colors and added the extra line in the shortcut. It still became choppy when units fired. Then I toook out the line in the shortcut and changed my display to 16-bit color for some reason... and then most infantry with small arms stopped causing problems.I'm not sure where the menu of BIOS that changes the AGP settings is or even if I checked the right BIOS.BTW, when I changed the adapter refresh rate from "optimal" to "adapter default", it seemed to get worse.Update:I had some virus probs (18 infected files!) on my other system and have fixed them, Emperor now installs but has the same choppiness problem as on the other system.
  7. Well, there's not much I can do about the processor... On a side note, Warcraft III runs perfectly fine with no choppiness at all on that system. ???
  8. Thanks for your quick response & suggestions Desert_Eagle. I already had turned shadows off, but I will consider defragging.
  9. [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
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