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  1. 178 downloads

    Goal: Lakes. Great Lakes. Build a railroad to span this industrial and agricultural heartland of America. Author's Comments: You have been given the opportunity of a lifetime: develop the industrially and agriculturally rich Great Lakes region. Your task is to build a great railroad. BRONZE - Connect Chicago to Philadelphia within 25 years. SILVER - Same as Bronze, except you must also have a book value exceeding $75,000,000 GOLD - Same as both of the above, except you must also have a personal net worth over $35,000,000 AND you have to do it all within 15 years. Good Luck!
  2. The key is starting in Chicago, though I have a new version of the map coming along and I boosted the Philly region pretty significantly.
  3. OOS = Out of sync. So I got uppity and decided to try RRT3 in multiplayer after years of neglect. One weird issue though after a few years of play, track is appearing out of nowhere on my opponents screen, and his new track is no longer connecting or updating on mine. Is this a known issue or is it because we're playing a large custom map? Ideas?
  4. Starting in 1900 I achieved CBV $75m and PNW $70m in about 11 years and 8 or so months.
  5. Somehow I don't think we're talking about the same scenario.
  6. by offered you mean in loans, correct?
  7. You started with $4 million? How? The most you should start with is $1.1 Million + and a possibly 600k more from loans and stocks
  8. What year did you start in?
  9. Wow! Howd you manage that! ???
  10. This is my first released RRT3 map, but I've been working on it intermittently since about January. I did a lot of research for city placement, industry, maps, etc. Aside from the lakes, the map is entirely hand drawn, elevation and all. It's fairly large at 896 x 640, so don't say I didn't warn you. I hope you enjoy it. Much thanks goes to www.allrefer.com that was a REAL help in researching the cities. Also to "Bryan" at http://www.strategygames.net/games/RailroadTycoon2/RT2Maps.html whose RRT2 map I really enjoyed and enspired me to do this map. -=-=-=- Description: You have been given the opportunity of a lifetime: develop the industrially and agriculturally rich Great Lakes region. Your task is to build a great railroad. Singleplayer Objective: BRONZE - Connect Chicago to Philadelphia within 25 years. SILVER - Same as Bronze, except you must also have a book value exceeding $75,000,000 GOLD - Same as both of the above, except you must also have a personal net worth over $35,000,000 AND you have to do it all within 15 years. Multiplayer Objective: Have the highest company book value at the end of 50 years. Timeframe Available: 1840 to 2000[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
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