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Everything posted by Sieceres

  1. I don't know anything about making maps, but I know the existing (official) multiplayer maps very well. Most of them has a goal like be the best one regarding goal X in Y years (e.g. highest industry earnings, player net worth). So it seems like for your map it seems sensible to have the highest net worth. It is possible to set a specific goal, and if noone reaches it in X years, another goal will be decisive, or even everyone will lose. How many years needed to do this would be up to you, but most of the maps last for 20 years (those who do not have a specific goal). There's no Silver or Bronze in MP, you win or lose!:) Another thing you'll have to consider (I feel I've given you a lot of work with this;)) is how many players in total you feel is necessary. I don't like to have to many AI's when I play multiplayer, they have a very... Artificial way of playing! But since you made it for 8 players in total, I guess some AI's are needed. I'll download the maps and try them with single player too. I will be happy to test the MP maps when they finish! Oh, and do try multiplayer, will you? It's really fun!:)
  2. And the multiplayer conversion you were bragging about?;)
  3. My guess is that the best way for you to do this is to enter Gamespy when you have time, and simply ask the players who are there if they would like to do this with you. I would like to test it, but I have a feeling it will be hard for us to arrange a meeting. If you want, I can test it online with someone else and give you feedback on the map. If you are interested in this, you can send me an e-mail to ***jorgenre***@stud.ntnu.no (remove the ***s)
  4. Since the legend isn't up and running, I thought I would make an attempt to gather up a list of the maps that are compatible with multiplayer. So please tell me/us which can be played in multiplayer here! So far: The Baghdad railway http://theterminal.dune2k.com/?p=rrt3-files-maps&id=481 By the way, I don't know if it's Jessie Reid or someone else who's sorted them, but Baghdad is not in Europe!:) Ok, maybe 1% of the map is in Europe, but it definitely belongs in the Asia category imho.
  5. Thanks for your replies! Multiplayer isn't as buggy as people think, normally I'm able to complete games (if I'm able to start them properly, that is!;) ). Someone told me that you shouldn't bulldoze in MP because that will cause the game to crash. It sounded like nonsense at first, but it turned out it was actually true. Also, you shouldn't try to Alt-tab your way back to windows during gameplay. It's sad that so few people want to play multiplayer, right now it's 5.30 pm here (Europe), so it should be prime time for the europeans to come and play, but there are only 3 players (including me). That sucks! By the way: Someone told me that the Baghdad map works in MP already, but I haven't tried that yet.
  6. I read in the map download the following: -- Legend: (RRT2) - Made with the original version of the game. (PopTop) - A map made by PopTop Software (German, etc) - Map made in a language other then English. (Blank) - A blank map with no events. (Multi) - This map is meant for multiplayer games. -- And I think "hey, this is useful, because I'm looking for multiplayer maps". But I click on the maps, and see no sign of the legend on the map info pages. What's this?
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