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Thel Vadam FLippy

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Thel Vadam FLippy last won the day on April 10 2022

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  1. i created a Christmas themed mission for Dune 2000 installing is easy just copy all the content on you root Dune 2000 folder then open the Mission launcher and click all missions select the Atreides side and look for the mission called Christmas themed mission by Flippy have fun you need to have the Dunemaster or Gruntmods version for this mission to run Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12B9IlorjIhrzbu6T19BIFFY2ThBV-TJC/view?usp=share_link
  2. this project is still being worked on so more mission will come later. and yeah there are new units the info about them are in the mission intel. here is some info of 2 version of the game that works with this mission pack\Mod pack Gruntmods: https://gruntmods.com/dune_2000_gruntmods_edition/ DuneMaster: https://dunemaster.webs.com/files
  3. I have made a Dune 2000 Campaign with Custom Content. In order to play it just copy the contents in your Dune 2000 folder and use the Mission Launcher to play them. The GruntMods or Dunemaster version of dune 2000 should work fine with the modded content. Here are the 2 versions of Dune 2000. Gruntmods: https://gruntmods.com/dune_2000_gruntmods_edition/ DuneMaster: https://dunemaster.webs.com/files Here are some screenshots Atriedes Chapter: Done Atreides Missions playthrough Ordos Chapter: Done Ordos Mission playthrough. Harkonnen Chapter: Work in progress Harkonnen Mission Playthrough. Harkonnen Chapter: Done. Here is a full playtrough done by Nguyễn Quang Luân There is the all the content including the maps and custom content: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14oCxvtUFzDjoogac8CFflTX0RbZU91d_/view?usp=sharing I hope you have fun.
  4. thanks for the heads up. i just did a small update. the mercenaries should not build a 1X research centre anymore that just me not knowing the tech tree for each side. i did a small edit on one text in the mission the outpost i was referring to that small base on the west that needed to be destroyed for the mercenaries to come in. anyway i hope you had fun playing.
  5. here is my second for dune 2000 you play as Atreides you have your main objective and an optional one have fun The assault at the Emperor base.rar
  6. I created my first dune 2000 mission you play as ordos with an ally there are 3 Atreides bases defend you ally starport of you fail Playthrough: starport.rar
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