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ArrakisDune (sayedmamdouh)

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Everything posted by ArrakisDune (sayedmamdouh)

  1. All sounds are ripped from the game (Dune 2000). How to install: Extract the folder from the RAR file to (game directory)\CnCNet5\Sounds open the CnCNet client, click on Settings, and click on CnCNet. There should be should a drop down near the "Add-on" text. Change it to Dune 2000 and press ok. And you're done! Dune 2000 sound add-on.rar
  2. Ix Research Lab remap issue still not fixed :/
  3. I show you my (probably) last Dune 2 styled map. Once again, you're gonna need the Dune 2 tileset from this topic to play the mission. Instructions: Extract the files from the rar file to (Dune 2000 directory)\Data\Missions, open the Mission Launcher, go to All Missions, and then go to Atreides. The mission should be displayed here. A1D2V2.rar
  4. Took me a long time to do this but I did it and it looks good! (Dune 2) OH Gap.rar This map requires the Dune 2 tileset to play, which you can get here: https://forum.dune2k.com/topic/27503-release-dune-2-based-campaign-for-dune-2000-old-campaign-rearrange/ NEW UPDATE BELOW Updated the map to work on the new version of the Dune 2 tileset. (Dune 2) OH Gap V2.rar
  5. Mission's easy. Briefing: The most dangerous House of Harkonnen has arrived! We shouldn't let them annihilate the Ordos! You start with 4 Troopers and 2 Quads in a small base with 2 Wind Traps, 1 Heavy Factory, and 1 Starport. Luckily, the Atreides will help us and both the Atreides base and the Ordos base are big and well defended, so the mission should be easy. We are also sending you reinforcements, so hang in there. Objective 1: Annihilate the Harkonnen in the area. Objective 2: Protect the Ordos at all costs. MH8V1.rar
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