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Everything posted by DuneFan2019

  1. Are these projects abandoned? Legacy has about 1000 downloads per month. So it is popular, peoples play it? Or is this an error and a wrap (download count screwed up, wtong statistics)? Because no one writes bug reports, etc. But both projects are bad - it is impossible to play them. Since there is not a single campaign written for this project. Standard campaigns are not balanced. It is strange that people wrote the engine, but did not make a full-fledged campaign for it. I would like to try to refine and improve one of the projects. How can you contact the developers of these projects?
  2. all maps testing. all maps ~easy|normal diffictulty. thanks, this is forum settings, not allow download file for no registered users.
  3. yes. i know. Thanks. What about this? ============= Forum administrators, please enable the ability to download attachments for unregistered users in the forum settings. 90% of users are not registered. Trying to download the attachment, they receive a message that such a file no longer exists. It was with me. After registration it turned out that the attached files actually exist. Thanks ============
  4. I tried to make each mission interesting and unique. In the last battle - the battle goes against 30 palaces of the emperor. 30 rockets every 5 minutes.
  5. Forum administrators, please enable the ability to download attachments for unregistered users in the forum settings. 90% of users are not registered. Trying to download the attachment, they receive a message that such a file no longer exists. It was with me. After registration it turned out that the attached files actually exist. Thanks
  6. I can not attach the file. How can I do it? ...
  7. Dune2 with new unusual interesting missions. ================================================= This is original dune 2 with 9 new original missions for all 3 houses ( Total - 27 missions 9*3). Simple run - only download and 1 click for run game. +AutoHotKey script for better game control(right click for move unit, mouse wheel - for atack unit). +Small changes for better game and strong stick to the classics game. Example: Wall - cost 20, increase armor and fast build. Now it sometimes need Wind trap - 200 energy (for lower count passive buildings and more active buildings with standart small game limits) All missions testing - work fine. Missoins Atreidis - normal diffictility. Harkonnen - easy/normal diffictility. Ordos - hard. Video Sample https://youtu.be/32EPgm0wePM If you get message "file not found" - you need register in this forum for download. Thanks 2_Dune2_2019_NewMissions_.zip
  8. This is very old bug from v 1.0 I memory it in 1994-1995)))). example for bug no attack units.... https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dune+2+atreides many videos contain this bug. https://youtu.be/W4niErN-hrQ?t=1425 all sonics tanks in video - get invisible for enemy in moment. units no repair and etc.
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