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  1. Thanks for the reply jeffryfisher. We've tried every combination of in-game settings. It seems to be purely an animation issue. I'm wondering whether it's something the devs built into the game to account for the slow network speeds available when the game was released. As for multiplayer....I've seen a few of your posts and can safely say you know this game a lot better than I do. It's likely we're not doing as well as we could be and/or don't fully understand all of the intricacies of the game but we played for maybe 8 hours total last game and didn't pause once. If we have 3 or 4 people playing, we won't start the game with AI; they only get introduced as players resign/start new company's so you get a fairly big head start in that respect.
  2. Just got this game going again and got my brother instantly hooked as well *but*; while we have no issues at all getting a multiplayer game started, the games frame rate will drop on both computers down to nothing. It's still playable, but the trains don't move; they just sort of jump along the track. Neither of us have any issues in single player mode. Both PC's are relatively new, running W10 64bit, 8gb ram, I5 6600k, GTX960 and we're on a gigabit switch. I'm at a loss as to why it would be any different in a multiplayer game so if anyone's got any ideas they'd be much appreciated. We tried SM's Railroads! hoping it would be similar but with better graphics - it's not.
  3. I've just joined this forum purely to support this idea and add a little input if anyone is still interested in working on this. At this point, I'd settle for a high res patch and some tweaking to make use of modern hardware, ie. there's no need for the scaling down of fps that seems to happen automatically in multiplayer mode. These changes alone would guarantee many more years of use. Has anyone thought about starting a kickstarter for this?
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