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  1. I have been wondering about this for awhile now as well.. This seemed like it was going to be something important. I've just enjoyed reading dune & Messiah for a third go around & I am currently in the middle of COD. It's clear this was planned as the count says something like" I know what it is we do"..& it seemed like the count had some dislike of the idea but Margot seducing FR was important in some way..this was after the gladiator fight ..that's why the count & lady fenring where on giedi prime in the first place..& I was excited to see where this would lead but having just read the first two books its never mentioned again. It's strange that it's mentioned in the climax of dune by the Reverend mother Gaius Helen mohiam as she worried what would happen if Paul & feyd both died their would be only alia and FR's bastard child for their plans or something like that. So yeah, I was also stumped about this, I'm pretty sure it's not mentioned in children of dune either. I've read it afew times before & am about halfway through it again. I disagree that this would not have been an interesting plot point, I found that whole exchange between the Baron & the count, & after the conversation between the lady & count a very interesting detail...it made my mouth water wondering about where it was leading in the scheme of things. For me this is the one & only frustrating question in an otherwise flawless story that is the first three books.
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