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  1. Sorry raz, but emp is a far better game. The fact wc has more people takes nothing away from emperor as a game. The only reason people by wc is because of its hype, if emp was hype for 4 years before being release imagine the amout of people here. I will say that blizzard does support there games better than ww, and for longer. But that takes nothing away from ww games being overall more fun, and exciting. I find blizzard games lacking oin appearance, graphics, and gameplay. For a company that takes soo long to make their games, there end results arent that impressive. IMO
  2. Well i personally feel the best players where cerb for hark, xvayne for ordos, and for atr i cant really say. I never played the middle chunk of people, i left july, came back feb, or march. xvayne helped me the most when i came back, gave me a couple hard leanrt lessons. Also i would say that cerb is the best hark there is. I played harkdawg when he was atr, and beat him both times, and got dced both times, so there just inst any comparison. some of best games where vs these people, and its only my opion.
  3. wow, nice pic, lol
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