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Everything posted by zenzyr0ex

  1. probably i lose and left. kkkk back and i train u, Brennq. u have my e-mail: marcos_rabello@hotmail.com follow miles hamachi host. i saw rotaset3 logged in 2016. I pmed him. Rota clan back would be nice.
  2. someone still playing emperor?
  3. spazelord, mordusxxxx, Brennq and rotazo0m, i miss u guys. come back. Lets show to these noobs, in a 4 x 4, who stronger
  4. Yeah, Russian, miles and poker beaten me. I just got 2 winner with AndreyTV vs moro and neo. in 1 x 1 i m bad. have u a cheat to me, or a trainer okkkkk i see u dude. MY SKYPE IS: marcos_rabello@hotmail.com POKER has my skype.
  5. hey guys, come to tunngle there are many elite players my skype is marcos_rabello@hotmail.com Kingpoker and miles there. 3 Russian player, elite players, too, there
  6. Hey guys, we are playing EBFD in Tunngle, same with windows 10. It is possible. But, u need install game from a torrent we give u. There are 7 players online, almost all days. I wanted contact of each 1 of you guys, skype, in special, to mark game or says when we are online. My skype is marcos_rabello@hotmail.com add me in skype. I can acess by phone and come to play in Tunngle, depending. Leave skype of u guys, so, we can chat. we got great players there. attentively Zenzyr0ex.
  7. there are 7 people playing in Tunngle. EBFD works on windows 10. We give u link to download and install the game. come to Tunngle.
  8. come to Tunngle, we can help u there. There is a file torrent to download emperor and install it perfectly. come play in Tunngle.
  9. I got play Emperor Battle for Dune using windows 10. I m in Tunngle too. I m back like a noob. But i m getting my skill back. There are good players there, playing for 5 years, as i m backing play now. i hope more people play there. DOOM, i play THE DIVISION. And u? let ur accout bye bye
  10. What a noob doing here. kk. i m playing THE DIVISION. But, i m sick, i miss EBFD. I was a GOD there. But, now, many noobs playing in Tungle I m thinking back. What Hamachi Lan name?
  11. Hi every1. I installed Tungle, but i dindt see anyone there. So. i Uninstaled. poker king, his game level is very low. You only win these novices entering it. If you take someone like me, take a shake. Lucas15, I'm glad you came back. E-mail to me (marcos_rabello@hotmail.com) I miss that game, I was happy and did not know. Has no game like this, to strategy, requiring skills. ​
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