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Everything posted by DDfan

  1. For some reason, some of my old Google Drive links are not working anymore. And I've got a request for sharing this one Feb,5 this year. And I cannot edit the OP, it seems. So just in case https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2vavbKPhjU9RFI0d0xhT3hRdUE?resourcekey=0-sPqYZh2OFbyO4hBqMr5NYg&usp=sharing It should work this way, I think? Sorry for bumpin.
  2. Finally I understand why some reinforcements did not appear. Every .ini file need /n in the end or the game ignores last line in it (so it ignores a last reinforcement in the list). Why it happens so irregularly? Because DUNE2PAK does NOT add these /n in the end (when unpacking) but bgafc_de editor DOES (when saving a map). So it's why it did look like some random stuff for me. Today I fix all .ini files in the scenario pack (English version). Finally everything works as intended (for example, without Harkonnen devastator which activates Death Hand Sardaukar Mission 6 was too easy, and without Launcher reinforcements Mercenary Mission 5 was downright impossible and more boring etc.). I didn't update the Russian version yet but I will do it soon. Hope I also finally finish the translation. I was thinking about to port it into regular Dune 2, I guess with some bugfixes and hex editions (from this forum) it's maaaaybe possible, but whole point of this campaign is to create necessity in Dune Dynasty features. With them, original Dune 2 is very easy. But without them, my scenario will be crazy hard. So it's not a priority. Also, dynasty is no more around it seems, so I hope sooner or later somebody will have a interest to support and develop Dune Dynasty. It's such a wonderful project. I really hope for Android version, for example. I don't think I can build it myself. EDIT: forgot to add /n in some Fremen missions. Fixed now - 16.11.16
  3. Yay, thanks to stuff I restored access to my account. Finally, I was able to create briefing texts (now for Fremen and Mercenary only). To do this, I used files from Dune 2 eXtended Project by MrFibble. Original TEXTX.ENG files do not open in SSTEditor. I guess there is some solution here on forums about that, but anyway. To add briefings to the campaign, just add TEXTF.ENG and TEXTM.ENG to a campaign folder (along with HOUSE.INI, META.INI, etc). As I wrote earlier, I cannot into proper English. So if anybody want to check/proof-read them, welcome to txt folder. I guess even with corrected grammar these briefings will be kinda poor. And of course, there're some little spoilers about a campaign plot here. Also, I discovered that in Dune Dynasty health bar parameter in SCENX00.INI files works properly, so I used it in last Fremen mission.
  4. Well, I hope it resembles a lion. I'm tuning Sardaukar 6-9 levels now.
  5. Download link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2vavbKPhjU9RFI0d0xhT3hRdUE Hello. After playing many Dune Dynasty campaigns, I created one by myself. I know, it's not a big deal as it's pretty easy to create new scenarios in Dune 2, but maybe somebody (just as me) already has played all popular mods and wants some more. Also, maybe it can encourage somebody to create his own campaigns for DD. Dune Dynasty is amazing Open Dune-based 'ultimate' edition of Dune 2 by dynasty: http://forum.dune2k.com/topic/24316-dune-dynasty/ If you don't know how to add custom campaigns in Dune Dynasty: just create folder 'dune rush' (or any other name) in 'campaign' folder of Dune Dynasty and copy my scenario1.pak, meta.ini, profile.ini and house.ini here (for engrish briefings you should also add textf.eng,textm.eng and texts.eng here). After that, run Dune Dynasty and click subtitle string on title screen (usually 'Building of a Dinasty'). I used Dune 2 Scenario Editor (http://oscomp.hu/?details/147) and DuneMaps (http://dunemaps.sourceforge.net/) , also Dune 2 PAK for packing (http://oscomp.hu/?details/604). Thank TCH and Segra for their tools. And of course, thank dynasty for such great enhanced fork of OD and original OD guys. Dune Rush is my first attempt in Dune 2 modding. It is a Mercenary Campaign with only one scenario for mission (except mission 7, which has 2 of them). It's heavy based on repeated reinforcements (this functionality absents in original Dune 2). This campaign is quite hard, but I tested and cleared every scenario. Don't forget, you can start from any mission in Dune Dynasty. UPDATE: Sardaukar campaign was added. 11 scenarios (levels 4 and 8 have two choices). UPDATE: Fremen campaign was added. It has 10 scenarios (lvl 8 has 2 choices). I used SSTEditor for briefings/advices/victory/defeat messages and MrFibble's Dune 2 eXchanged project files as a donor (original briefing files open in SSTE with an error). Do not hope for great briefings, though, as my English is kind of primitive and contains errors. Changes:
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