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  1. 昨晚闊別近20年,我重玩沙丘2000,打通了Atreides的第9關 然後就開始google,想要找到一起分享這個心情的朋友,然後發現了你們,非常感謝,非常感動 整晚沒有睡,從第1頁看到了38頁,你們1年多以來的進展和內容,你們的努力 我只想說在中國,這個你們從沒來過的國家,也許在你們眼裡還有些神秘或者落後的國度,也有和你們一樣的玩家 再次感謝,很希望能和你們做朋友,雖然一定看不懂我在說什麼 我說的話我都會用google翻譯,希望能幫助你們理解我說了什麼 PS.我在北京 twitter or facebook:@miyavirolling Last night after an absence of nearly 20 years, I re-play Dune 2000, opened the ninth off AtreidesThen began to google, i want to find a friend to share in the mood, then find this forum, thank you very much, very movedi am not sleep all night, from the page 1 to 38, you progress and content of more than 1 year since your effortsI just want to say that in China, you've never been to this country, and perhaps also some mystery in your eyes or behind the country, there are players like youThanks again, I hope to be able to be friends with you all, although some do not understand what I'm sayingI will use google translate, hoping to help you understand what I'm sayingPS. im in beijingtwitter or facebook:@miyavirolling
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