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  1. Hmm...well, looking at http://microsoft.com/windows/directx/downloads/drx81.asp I can't see anywhere where it says 8.1b for XP....do I just download the Windows 2000 version or what?
  2. I first installed the ones that came with card (I dunno what they're called), and now I'm using the XP Detonator drivers from nVidia.com and I can't tell any difference. And Eagle, this started the day after I got a brand new hard drive, so I don't think defragmenting would do a thing....but I tried it anyways, with no results.
  3. It happens in Windows general. However, in Windows I don't mind because the cursor isn't affected so I don't even really notice it (cursors in games ARE affected, though). But I can see the little "blip" when I play movies or anything else that's animated in Windows.
  4. I dunno what wcmdmgr.exe and nvsvc32.exe are, but I agree that the latter is probably the display controls. Well, I tried ending both of those processes and it still....goes....on...
  5. >:( Alright, so I got a GeForce 4 MX 420 AGP and the problem still exists. However, my brother in law came over and tried to solve the problem hands-on, and he thinks it has nothing to do with the video card, but rather there is something running in the background that shouldn't be. I think you said you didn't have XP, but maybe you'll still be able to make something of this: When I look at my Task Manager, under the Performance tab, it says that my CPU usage fluctuates from about 12%-15% while, according to my bro-in-law, should be around 1%-7% I have no applications running and it stays at that amount, but my processes include: Image name Mem Usage explorer.exe 17716k svchost.exe 11520k wcmdmgr.exe 4576k winlogon.exe 3696k taskmgr.exe 3556k services.exe 2516k csrss.exe 2288k svchost.exe 1912k svchost.exe 1788k svchost.exe 1316k svchost.exe 1152k nvsvc32.exe 1148k spoolsv.exe 1116k lsass.exe 1028k smss.exe 208k system 28k system idle process 20k Not sure if any of that helps, but oh well...
  6. Playing in Win98 mode did not work :( On Tuesday, I'll be putting in a new card, a nVIDIA 64mb (can't remember the name of the card) that my friend just had layin' around. I'll let you know how that goes...
  7. Yeah, I've been talking to people all over and no one has an idea that helps. Emperor was the first thing I installed and yeah, worked great. I'm not saying that UT is the culprit, but that was one of the first things I installed after that and it was the first time I noticed the freezes. I uninstalled UT and also cleaned out the leftover UT registries, but it still does it, so I dunno if UT is to blame. I don't know much about XP, or, hell, Windows in general, so bare with me here. Is Win98 mode an alternate way to boot up XP or something? Or do you mean try installing Win98 and seeing what happens?
  8. Hmm...that's definitely odd, because I just downloaded and installed the XP drivers from ATI's website and I believe the site dated them 6-13-02. That's most likely my problem. Looks like I'll be gettin' a new card soon... I have tried lowering my desktop resolution and game settings and get the same results. And it's not only games that it is doing this to, but all of XP. For example, if I play an .avi file, the video will do the half-second freeze every second or so. Everything that is animated (with the exception of the cursor) does the half second freeze.
  9. Eh....well, I figured it was just more of a general question rather than a strategy. But anyways.... Thanks for the help. And about not using Saudaukar, you mean Saudaukar Elites, right? Because I don't see why normal Saudaukar would matter against the laser tanks.
  10. Alright, so the Atreides have the repair vehicle to remove the infection that vehicles get from leechers, but I'm playing the campaign with the Ordos and Harkonnen now and the leechers are SO annoying because I can't remove it once they're hit. Any way to remove it?
  11. Yep, works great. Thanks again, man.
  12. You're the man, Doc ;D
  13. Hmm....that's definitely interesting. My brother in law was the one who gave me the card (about 3 weeks ago or so) and he said it was 64mb and assured me that he installed the latest drivers. I'll have a talk with him about it... And something else I forgot to mention. So far through the Atreides and Harkonnen campaigns, I could remedy the texture problem if I restart the map a few times or save and then load it a few times. However, when I get to the Atreidies mission that is after the mission where you conquer the Harkonnen stronghold (I assume it's on their homeworld since I'm getting payments, but I can't see the landscape to tell), that will not work no matter how many times I try. The same goes for the Harkonnen mission where you choose between Gunseng and Copec. Is there something about these missions that could be causing this, such as extra large maps and my computer can't handle it? I'll try what you suggested and let you know. Thanks.
  14. [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
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