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Sadistic Sandtrout

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Everything posted by Sadistic Sandtrout

  1. Welcome! I just recently downloaded DuneMaps to mah laptop to fix together some very own campaignz. Unfortunately, DuneMaps refuses to run. Every time I'd start it, I get a "*** caught unhandled exception, terminating" message, when all the data files are in the appropiate folder. Yes, I installed that Visual C++ redistribution package as well, and I include every data in the folder it needs (DUNE.PAK, SCENARIO.PAK, DUNE2.EXE, ENGLISH.PAK). I've downloaded a different Dune 2 from another abandonware site, but I still get the same error. Yup, I use the 1.07 PAK files, not the original ones. It's also interesting to see that DuneMaps mentions "DUNE2.PAK" when searchin' for da files, but there is no such file in Dune 2, there'z only "DUNE.PAK", this must be a typo I guess. Dune 2 itself runs flawlessly. I just finished the Ordos campaign today wit' only 18 units lost (good strategist is good :D ) Oh yea...I use Windows XP SP3, and mah laptop is an Acer Extensa 5635Z.
  2. Greetings everyone :))))) it's so nice to see that so many people still play Dune 2, regardless of GTA 5, "Kell a Dutyi" and other supermodern hyper-advanced bullshit, which gives mere 3 hours of gameplay, scripted up to the eyeballz, and generally the same old "kill enemy soldierz" shit. I just completed Dune 2 with all three factions for the umpteenth time, and even if the computer is less sophiscated than nowadays, it's still great fun and a challenge. As for editing Dune 2,I would like to add my ideas,which would greatly improve the campaign. - There should be 10 scenarios, not just 9. This could be achieved by removing 1 selectable region from when 3 is available. I think at the start of the game, territories are quickly consumed. At level 2, for example, two selectable scenarios would be far enough rather than 3, so 1 territory could be reserved for a more advanced technological level. - Winning/losing conditions should be modified a bit. For example, on a standard "destroy the enemy" mission you should ONLY lose if you have no structures AND units left, and only win, if you've entirely cleaned the enemy out of the map. And for example, there could be missions, where you would need to protect a building (like the Starport in Dune200 Ordos missions), and if that one is destroyed, you lose, no matter what structures and forces you have left. In other words, it would be very nice to create more complex missions. - Winning/losing conditions would be great to units as well. For example, on a scenario, your task would be to destroy certain Harvesters, or perhaps Sand worms, or Fremen. - Trooper minirockets should be stronger than the close-range rotary cannons. - Saboteurs should be fixed. They seem to explode for no reason at all, even when grouping them with friendly units. The "Sabotage" order should have a marker, like Attack, Move and pretty much other orders.
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