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Everything posted by chrix

  1. Thanks for the suggestion, this procedure works with the italian version of the game, too .. I had the same interface problems after applying the patch (missing "upgrade" and "spaceport" buttons, sidebar "broken"..). But after doing this everything is as it should be! Here's what to do (I think it works with every language version, mine was ITA 1.06 ): 1) before applying the hires patch you have to rename the file "ui_ITA.r16" to "UI_ENG.R16" (with capital letters!) You find it in the \Dune2000\DATA\ subdirectory. 2) now you can apply the patch as usual; 3) rename "UI_ENG.R16" ( that now is correctly patched) back to "UI_ITA.r16" and everything will work perfectly, language of the game, buttons and sidebar !!! Thank for your works, it's amazing playing this game at custom resolutions : )
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