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  1. Guys I appreciate the responses. Not what I wanted to hear, but I trust there's a solution. There's an old 2012 discussion somewhat on the topic here: http://www.sleipnirstuff.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=83&p=283604 Cmd. Matt wrote there: "Yes, this seems to be the #1 wish from the Dune 2000 community. They have few, but very popular maps. Coding a legacy import is not the preferred method here as the original map format is horrible. They don't have combined tiles, but 1x1 squares that are defined in a grid. Someone tried to write a converter, but he had to recreate whole new incompatible tilesets that are unusable for humans. He also vanished, never published any code and the results required manually fixing errors afterwards. We also merged all redundant Dune tilesets into one Arrakis theme. This simplifies mapping and we can have more decorative details side by side. So I suggest you continue your project. You can even make them more beautiful than the original because you are not bound to tileset restrictions." Apparently he figured out the tiles set restriction.... Also: how on earth does one get Shai-hulud working without a VM? Grey screen crap as usual! I suppose I can make maps in Hulud (if I can get them working) and port them over to Dune2k+, a program which is Christmas come early for me.
  2. Hi there, new to the community, longtime player! Back when Shai-Hulud was actually useable without a virtual machine I used to play with the editor, but seeing as there was no support for placement of buildings, the interest soon waned. I came back to the game when I ran across the Dune2k+ site, which is fantastic by the way. My question is about the 7 tile sets BLOXICE, BLOXTREE, etc: Is there a way to combine them? Has anyone else wanted to liberally use the doodads from each set all in one map, and done so? And lastly, were these tile set divisions invented by fans, or by the developers? I make no claims to being advanced. I would appreciate, if there is a solution, a... gentler explanation. ******* I read from Feda that Shai-hulud remains the choice map editor for tile placement. I don't remember anything of that old program- is this true for you mapmakers? Cheers, I'd appreciate any answers, K.
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