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Everything posted by Ti_

  1. Sure , they will stuck, but it's not a bug because worms cant move on rock surface. Carryall goes to pick up worms from starport, but that's happens not always... why? I don't know. Need to analyze of code, but that's not priority for now.
  2. A 'romhack' of a Sega Mega drive version. current version: DuneHack (-Re) Build _r53 It's a not complete hack, no new missions included. But it's a some 'base' for creating new campaings. Main difference: + Units and Buildings limits increased up to 127. (102 ground) + Extra build with map size increased to 128x128. + Reinforcements - currently up to 55 + no more included in global limits. + Support sardaukar house. + Support fremen house: fremen and atreides allies; fremen special weapon - creates 5 worms on map. + Many changes in code. (changelog not created and I don't rememeber them all) + Worms and saboteurs can be controllable and can be buyed from starport - icons added; also no limited to 3. + Some improvements in AI. + Some bugfixes and minor balance change. + New features (like spice fields regenerating, new win/lose, new reinforcements abitilites). New Editor for Maps and Missions - DuneAMC. Can be downloaded here: http://www.emu-land.net/forum/index.php/topic,16864.2700.html If someone is interested I can try to write full changelog. We also glad to see map-makers who want to create their own campaings for this hack.
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