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  1. Finally I foud my dune2000 is a mod verion.sorry! I download an other one.1.31 work well! thanks!
  2. version 1.32 cannot patch it. the error is below 1280x1024Working on AACCT.TGAWorking on CREDITS.TGAWorking on DUNEMAP.TGAWorking on DUNEMAP2.TGAWorking on HACCT.TGAWorking on HOUSE_SE.TGAWorking on MULTIUI.TGAWorking on OACCT.TGAWorking on PICTBOOK.TGAWorking on SCOREMP.TGAWorking on SCOREUI.TGAWorking on WOLLOBY.TGAWorking on WOLLOB.TGAWorking on Title.TGAWorking on .uil filesTraceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\Console3.py", line 27, in <module> File "d2k_patch.py", line 66, in <module> File "d2k_UIL_fix.py", line 115, in funcTypeError: sequence item 1: expected str instance, list found
  3. the button not in the center ! can i fixed it? 1024*768 and 1280*1024
  4. it great work! thank you! i used D2K-HRpatch-1.0.exe -w 1024,4096 -h 768,4096 to patched it.but i can't use the "repair" icon and something else.
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