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Everything posted by fartbubble

  1. No, it is impossible to dig for water in the open desert on Arrakis during book one. The sand trout all capture whatever water is in the ground before anyone could possibly get to it. This works with the ecology of Arrakis, as water is poisonous to worms. The only place where one could dig for water would be in the polar caps. There are water merchants who siphon water from these caps. Other than that, the only place where water is found is in the atmosphere. Dew gatherers (men and women who harvest dew from plants) and windtraps attest to this.[Edit] Also, if you need any proofing done for the game, hit me up. Part of my job involves proofing, so I can probably spot any errors in the text.
  2. Oh, and I forgot to ask: How will you handle weapon balance? If shields negate ranged weapon damage, even considering their charge, how will you make ranged weapons viable/balanced? Will they be one-hit kill weapons, rapid firing, or very accurate? Will shield troops be high tier and very expensive?
  3. It looks amazing guys, keep up the great work! Personally, I like the new aesthetic so far. I was always a fan of the 84 movie's blocky gold shields (they were so unique and handsome, staying within the movie's rococo style), but this is a cool take. I do hope you don't go for the tired blue bubble look, although I wouldn't be that disappointed. I look forward to more of your creativity!
  4. Very clever. No wonder you made the shield bubble so big. I like it.
  5. What if you just made the shield a belt that changed the character stats and model? Or what if you made a shield bracer and used the right click mechanics to activate it, except make it togglable? That way you could restrict shield users to one-handed weapons or somethng for balance. Maybe the shield just makes you immune to all ranged weapons except lasguns, which instagib you, but prevent you from using anything but melee weapons? You know how unstable paradox games are. I'm just spitballing ideas in case you can't get your idea to work (which is really cool btw)
  6. Signed up just to talk in this thread. I'd love a Dune MB:W game! to answer your question: Given that the second moon is the one with muad'dib, I'd assume it would appear somewhat smaller.
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