Nvidia GeForce 550Ti on desktop and NVGF 610M on notebook. 2 D2k Sardaukar, And you did not plan for the future, to do new UI? I have ideas and thoughts on this: Rerender TGA teixtures in high quality for buildings and units.. Remake textures for tiles. Remake animation for buildings and units. I have the skills to work with Autodesk Maya. But, i'm not good understand structure files *.R16 and *.R8. Maybe, together we could do it?
... 1400x1050 with glitches 1440x900 1600x900 1680x1050 with glitches 1920x1080 Maximum resolution of my monitor 1920x1080, and i can't test resolution above.Sorry for dablpost. Limitation on the number of images in a post.
Good day. Yes, i try hight version dune 1.06, and bug ceased to appear. Now, when i'm created spaceport, made the order and moved cursor on button "purshase", game is crashed when cursor reach mid right panel. And i'm not click LM, game crashed even when i only moved. IMHO was safer when button "purshase" was located just below spaceport menu. As was in old version d2k patch with two python scripts. If you want, I can make a video.
Just found another "bug".In multiplayer, if i or my friend played for atreides house, and used three airplane "dragonflys", we get "connection error" and disconnect game. Bug is persistent.Game without patch this bug not have. I don't tested this bug in singleplayer. However i think there will also be a problem. As soon i check bug i will write about result. 2 D2k SardaukarI guess, i can test d2k patch on works out. If You send me what necessary to test. :) 2 N.KindtUnfortunately i don't know disassembler and reverse engineering.Maybe I can help you with testing? And please excuse me for my English.) upd: Singleplayer is not have a this bug.
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