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  1. lol listen i would've killed you before u even got any sabuteurs! and trust me sonics and troopers work a treat together, just keep the troopers very close to the sonic tank and they won't be hurt and because they are the same speed the sonics won't kill them. Any of u play online? i hope so i can't wait to slaughter u newbies! My nick online is DRFsimmsy and SimmsyDRF (DRF is a clan by the way located at http://beam.to/drf .
  2. you are all SUCH a bunch of n00bs!!!! listen : a) Turrets suck do not build them; waste of time b) concrete sux don't use it at all, except one square slab for power c) ordos are a shit house; use harkonnen or atreides d) build refs near spice e) sonics and troopers combo rules f) drf are best clan : visit them at beam.to/drf u should use this build order for maximum unit production p p r h r r p h p h r b b p o/p b p s/p p ix p hi tech and then light factories or whatever else u need. build harvesters from when u first get the first hvy factory right until u get the third and final hvy factory, then plow out combat tanks and a couple of siege tanks along with the rocket troopers. u wil find by the time u have built starport u have around 8 000 credits...
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