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Everything posted by duncan_idaho

  1. This was adressed by Duke earlier, that is, trying to get Dune2 to workin in Win 98. For me, it tells me that there is "insuffient memory" to run the program. I can't seem to find the autoexec.bat config.sys files like I could on my old dos based machine. If someone could tell me where they are and how to modify them so Dune2 works, that would be nice... and since Microsoft was nice enough not to install a mouse driver in DOS, help with that would be appreciated too.
  2. I would have to say God-Emperor of Dune is the Best, Leto II is very interesting, hard to decide if you like him or not
  3. The houses of Vernuis (controllers of Ix, which is a planet) and house Richese are both mentioned in the Dune Prequel-House Atreides
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