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Everything posted by Rodman49

  1. You can convert Half-Life/Quake models to RA2 via a tutorial from The Map Makers - http://ra2tmm.eclipsemods.com
  2. Rodman49


    Manual Editing gives you a heck of a lot more options than Progs . . . at least for RA2 it did.
  3. Extract it with XCC Mixer.
  4. So you can effectively change the color of units and structures? Well, that's better than nothing.
  5. So we are reduced to simple INI editing?
  6. Are new graphics being made for Emperor mods? If so what progs are being used to make the new graphics. I'm kind of an Emperor newbie . . . my website host told me to ditch RA2 general editing (but to still work on the Warhammer 40k mod) and make my site a general editing site for Emperor (I'll probably put DR2 editing up on it too). If new graphics are possible would a TC or a mod be more popular with the Emperor community.
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