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  1. Were in brackets? Did you change players 4 and 6 on "Player Settings" (in the map editor) to "Any", instead of "Fremen" or "Mercenary"?
  2. So you tried to play with 6 players, but the game only let you put 4 players (despite having 6 spots)?
  3. The sandworms that appear (by carryall) every 4 minutes are neutral. They even attack the units from player 1. They´re meant to work as a random factor in the map, like "something else the players need to be aware of if they want to succeed". That´s the best solution I could find to have them appear randomly (the other option was including house Fremen, but that would be confusing and if, by accident, the player is randomed as Fremen, he would auto-lose the map). Also, if anyone plays house Fremen, he´s not going to be allied with the sandworms; they still attack house Fremen´s units. (Now, if only the sandworms would have a random behavior as well; e.g. not just standing where they spawned, but moving from there, and eating a random number of units before disappearing...) Despite finding the directory where the saved files and maps are kept, I still haven´t been able to find the .cfg file with unit and building stats and tech tree (not even on the game directory). Any idea where it could be? I´m using windows 7 64bit, by the way. One thing that bothers me about polishing the game for multiplayer is how different it could become, compared to the original game.
  4. SDL2 = Simple DirectMedia Layer 2.0? By "mapping" you mean "creating maps" or a type of programming? How does one "take care of the website"? Despite being "very open", I think the project is not well known by the public or developers. Or perhaps not many people are interested (which would be sad). I´m asking these questions (and helping by testing the game and/ or making maps) because I´m looking forward to this game becoming a popular multiplayer game on the internet. I´m very excited about this project, and I think the game as of now is fine, just requiring some more polishing on the gameplay. Graphics wise I think it´s fine, unless some artist is willing to create new models and/or import them from Dune 2000 and/or Emperor.
  5. Ok, it´s really not a priority, since it´s working fine for gameplay (since the sandworms are neutral). I agree that it´s not a priority here. I´d basically use it to copy small rectangular parts of the map, e.g. concrete, to paste it somewhere in order to make the starting point for players similar (which can´t be achieved through mirror modes alone, e.g. a map for 3 or 5 players). I´m having trouble uploading the file. Tell me an email to send it to. What are the priorities of the project at the moment?
  6. Cool, thanks! Managed to find the file on C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Roaming\dunelegacy (windows 7). Is there a place where people are uploading their custom-made maps? I´d like to upload the map I made. I really like this editor; simple and straightforward. Some features I´d like to request: - copy/ cut/ paste functions - losing condition for a team: lose all structures, not including rocket turrets or turrets - sandworms being spawned, instead of being brought by carryall (and random behavior and/ or random number of units it eats before disappearing)
  7. How do I export a map from the map editor? I created a map and it didn´t create any files on the maps folder.
  8. This is the best version for multiplayer so far. Keep up the good work! I´ve posted some requests on the Feature Request tracker. I think palaces should be able to use their special ability as soon as it´s built, since it´s a 1000k credits + time investment and it was like this in the original. Also, I think having 5 infantry stay in the same tile actually makes them weaker because they all take damage when hit.
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