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Everything posted by jcniest5

  1. There is one strategy that can reduce your chance of getting killed by the MegaCannon especially if you are going to use "human" as a way to destroy the Worm. If you are the house of Ordos or Atreides, build an APC, train several engineers, put your engineers into your APC, have your Advanced Carryall take your APC to where the MegaCannon is and use an engineer to steal it and either sell it or let it be destroyed by the enemies. If you are the house of Harkonnen and don't have an APC to bring some engineers to steal it, build a Harkonnen Palace and use Death Hand missile to destroy the MegaCannon. One the MegaCannon is taken care of, you shouldn't have any problem using even infantry, Sardaukar or Freman Fed to destroy the worm. Before I took care of the MegaCannon, my men usually get killed only after couple rounds of firing at the Worm. Hope this helps those that still need to find a way to destroy the Worm.
  2. I need instruction on how to make Rules.ini work for me. There isn't any Model directory under Data, what the hell do people talk about anyway? I'm so dumb!
  3. Can someone (please, please, please) write a Trainer like that of the one for Dune 2000 for Emperor? In that Trainer, I can enable (individually for House) such as Unlimited Spice, Unlimited Power, Instant Build and Show Map. So far, the only Trainer for Emperor is Unlimited Money and Unlimited Power, which doesn't even work! It totally disables my Power and I have to restart my PC before I can even play Emperor again. I'm sure if someone was able to write a Trainer for Dune 2000, someone must also can write one for Emperor as well.
  4. Thanks for the many replies. However, I made a Model directory under Data but there isn't any different to the game or how I should go about making my game to use the new files? Also, at one point, my game crashed and I wasn't able to make it work but a reinstallation.
  5. I saw somewhere that we can edit the rule for Emperor: Battle for Dune. There is the program named "DuneEX1.02" but I don't know how to do it. If anyone knows or have done it before, please respond. Thanks!
  6. After reading all the replies and researching on my own, I've won the game by doing the following: I built some engineers, put them in an APC, transport them to some of the critical enemies buildings, steal them, sell them to reduce their production work, after that, I took my engineers and went to the Megacannon and steal it, then direct it toward the enemy infantries, after that, I beat the worm one time by transporting a Sonic tank to the head and just keep shooting the worm, and I won another time by transporting five Fed-fremen to the worm's head and just keep shooting it until it dies. As you shoot, you can actually see its health status by hovering your cursor over the worm's head. Once it reaches RED status, it's VICTORY! It's easy once you figure out what can get you there.
  7. I'm just all overwhelmed by all kinds of houses and I can't get even close to the Emperor Worm! What's the best strategy for winning this final mission? I can't even get out of my house! Dang, this is HARD!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Wow, I totally forgotten about the site to this post of mine and haven't check it out since I posted it weeks ago. Anyway, I'm glad there are many replies. Does anyone know of a good and working trainer for this version of Battle for Dune? I just wish there is a good trainer like the one for Dune 2K, which lets me enable/disable each house individually and it works to perfection for those that may not have the good strategic mind to win the game on his/her own. As far as Death Hand missile from Harkonnen and Confusion Lightning from Ordos are concerned, we have to just live with it and continue building units/buildings that are killed or destroyed by them. I played countless numbers of times before I was able to go out and destroy their Palace to disable their massive destruction weapons. It's always a challenge. Thanks for all the replies...
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