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  1. KoT

    Green Dune

    Impossible to do. Water accumulates too slowly so this is only a matter of time when tress will fade again.
  2. Hello everybody =) Thanks ppl for different hints I read on this forum, due to that I've managed to finish the game quite quickly. However, I wondered about "ecology alternative ending" - some ppl mentioned that, but gave no details. I've figured out how to do it. What you need to do is to capture the fort just below Harkonnen Palace (that won't be easy since they have atomic weapons there). After that you build a wind trap and ....wait a lot of time untill you accumulate ~40-45 water tanks. Then start growing plants there and wait. This ammount of water will be enough for plants to reach the palace and when this is done, you may travel there without any problems (either by orni or by the worm). You'll find yourself just near the palace surrounded by vegetables =) Enter, and you WIN. Alas, the final dialogues and speeches are just the same as if you conquer it by force, so actually, to be more exact, there are no 2 different endings, but just 2 different ways to beat the palace - either by gathering forces along with all needed NPCs, or without it.
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