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  1. I was playing practice and I took a thumper near the enemy base and caused 3 worms to eat his 3 harvestors he didnt get any reinforcements for the harvestors i thought he at least get 1.. but he didnt and when i sent my trike over to his base he sold everthing off and attacked thus giving up..Is this a bug?
  2. No my system is up to date and capable of playing any game with extra fps ;) But its a trend i have noticed for years. It started with doom/castle wolf clones. You dont see any koei type games on the pc in USA anymore I was told by them it wasnt profitable. What you do see is 20 RPG games that basically are the same hack and slash and progress till your so burnt out you can scream. In the 80's you had orginal computer games that hardly resembled each other. Adventure games,etc What other game out there now that lets you command a universe and lets you war agains 9 other opponents for that battle? Strategic games. Basically its all some rooted in Sid meier's Civ. Even he created many unique games. I havent seen a decent Pirates! like the original. Privateer series Where are the space combat and advance your space ship where you are flying around in the universe? I am basically saying that alot of the games produced are well known money makers that really lack inspiration but the reason they are made is because the bean counters think it will produce cash and it does because hey we need something to buy for that several thousand calculator we bought and have to justify.. But I respect your view and I hope you do mine ;) Now where is that old game at i was playing.. Beyond Zork! Good ole text adventures
  3. Yep I actually play C&C Gold,Dune 2k,RA 1 C&C TS, Master of Orion, Fallout series Alpha Centauri and Theme Hospital. The new games suck.. they are just all flash with little thought. No originality.
  4. Like in C&C Gold you can have maps with bases Can this be done in Dune 2000? Thank you
  5. Fugazi

    Best Mod?

    I am looking to play a mod and esp for multiplay what is a good well balanced mod for multiplay? Thank you!
  6. If you are running a game that hasnt been modified by a game editor and the connection is great and the computers are all fast enough to keep up.. then should be no problems
  7. Well you need to have at least isdn connection or higher and try kali make sure everyone is using the same options set. We have done it in the past.
  8. Yes www.kali.net its a ipx emulator and allows people to play over the net. and it did cost 20 bux but the author is providing it free
  9. ok i found out on the map where you choose the final map square you have 2 choices the left the deathhand works the right hand side the deathhand is bugged at least i tried the other mapsquare onthe left and the deathhand worked for the AI still whipped on him tho! ;)
  10. doh must have been a bug than lol.
  11. In dune2000 i mean can you create a map in a editor and place a emperor's palace? In CnC You could create a map and place GDI or Nod buildings. For Instance we created a map called The Rock where in the center was Nod Nuke and GDI Ion and whoever was able to capture the building got that extra special. of course the rock was well defended and you still had to fight ther people your playing with. So my question is can you place Emperor's palace inside a editor for the map?
  12. And if captured can it give you the abilities to create the troops?
  13. For the last mission the harkonnen never used there deathhand missle is this a bug? I swore that they used it the last time i played this game.
  14. Repair vechicles? Whatcha talking about willis?
  15. Is there a way to edit it so that sonic tanks can't damage same side sonic tanks? I guess not but man it sucks to have 10 sonic tanks shooting all sorts of direction only to kill themselves lol ::)
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