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Everything posted by KoTPaine

  1. Hehe, yeah, I created "Aftermath" when I used to go by the nick "Captain Montego". Try playing it against a whole map full of computer enemies. Death Hand go boom! :P
  2. For resources, I strongly suggest you visit http://deezire.net/ ... Also, http://www.cannis.net/ ... DeeZire has written a comprehensive INI editing guide, and I don't know anyone more knowledgable than Cannis when it comes to maps, triggers, etc. I hope this helps. PS - Hiya Gobalopper and Mahdi - Long time no see! 8)
  3. Thank you - I have emailed everyone - I figure (esp since I'm a huge fan) that Emperor could use all the exposure it can get. Hopefully I'll hear from more of you map-makers, and modders as well. ::)
  4. Hi there, guys Most of you oldbies prolly remember me here as Captain Montego - I have made many maps for Dune 2000, as well as the "Aftermath" mod. I have been away for a bit - a career change, and a move to Silicon Valley (San Jose) has just happened, and now that i'm settled, I am openiing up a new Westwood fansite for the community. Some of you may remember Dune Fanatic - I inherited that site from Qw1rk, and due to a lack of traffic, decided to increase the coverage to all Westwood games, as well as change the site name to reflect the increased coverage. What I am looking for are; Emperor:BFD maps to post on my site Emperor:BFD mods to post on my site Emperor:BFD fan art to post on my site News posters to cover the Dune genre of games I am hoping that I see submissions from some of my old contemporaries here, like Edric, Opsig, Eugene Orlov, Jason Holdsclaw, and the rest of the crew. For any information needed, feel free to email me at kotpaine@sbcglobal.net Thank you all for your time Fred Ogle - KoTPaine (formerly Captain Montego)
  5. Hi there, guys 8) Most of you oldbies prolly remember me here as Captain Montego - I have made many maps for Dune 2000, as well as the "Aftermath" mod. I have been away for a bit - a career change, and a move to Silicon Valley (San Jose) has just happened, and now that i'm settled, I am openiing up a new Westwood fansite for the community. Some of you may remember Dune Fanatic - I inherited that site from Qw1rk, and due to a lack of traffic, decided to increase the coverage to all Westwood games, as well as change the site name to reflect the increased coverage. What I am looking for are; Dune 2000 maps to post on my site Dune 2000 mods to post on my site Dune 2000 fan art to post on my site News posters to cover the Dune genre I am hoping that I see submissions from some of my old contemporaries here, like Edric, Opsig, Eugene Orlov, Jason Holdsclaw, and the rest of the crew. For any information needed, feel free to email me at kotpaine@sbcglobal.net Thank you all for your time :) Fred Ogle - KoTPaine (formerly Captain Montego)
  6. I still like playing Dune 2000 - darn, I wish I could queue 30 devestators though ...
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