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Cease Fire 2011

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    Denver, CO
  1. [Hello again, everyone! After a long winter and beautiful start into spring, we're finally approaching the finish of film production on Cease Fire! As such, we're reposting the teaser for the film, to soon be followed by an official trailer at the end of May. We've also started a Kickstarter page to try to drum up funds for the last bit of production - this is a student film, shot with no financial backing from anyone but family and friends, so we're now reaching out to the sci-fi community for support in succeeding in our last push to get the project finished. If you have a chance, please check out the teaser and the Kickstarter page here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/morriganfilms/frank-herberts-cease-fire-a-short-film-by-jacob-co Thanks - and keep an eye out for the trailer this summer, and the finished film in the fall!
  2. Hello again! Just stopping in to let you all know that we have production photos posted from the shoot over the last weekend - please come by the facebook page to check them out, and don't forget to "like" the page to get future updates! Thanks! Photo Album for Frank Herbert's Cease Fire Ext. OP shoot!
  3. The story actually isn't public domain, the rights and story still belong to the Herbert Estate. I went ahead with trying to get the project done before I had complete permission, as I did have fair use on my side, but it wouldn't have been able to be screened at film festivals where ticket money is collected without the permission of the Herbert Estate, even though filmmakers don't get any portion of the proceeds or profits from film festivals in any way other than prize money, and that's IF they win. Since I am a student, and I can't afford the rights to the story, an agreement was made that I will stay loyal to the adapted script of Cease Fire (which is almost verbatim with the exception of one line that is more of a sentence fragment), and that I will not make any profit from it in any way, and for that, I will be allowed to submit this to any and all film festivals and contests - being that I don't possess the rights to the story, I would never be able to submit this film to any legitimate festival without the permission of the person who owns the rights, which, in this case, is the Herbert Estate. Thanks for all of the support, and keep watching!
  4. Just letting everyone know that the teaser will be coming down as of tomorrow (Monday) night, so please come by and check it out while you can!
  5. Thanks! We'll be wrapping our shoot in January, so definitely keep an eye on these pages over the next month...
  6. Hello! I just wanted to tell people here about a new short film in production right now, adapted faithfully from the short story, Cease Fire - As this is a student project, we have a very modest wordpress site up at the moment, which has a teaser and various information about the project itself - principal photography will be finished in January, and we're aiming to have all post-production finished by May. Critique on the wordpress and the teaser are welcome - thanks for checking it out! http://frankherbertsceasefire.wordpress.com/ http://www.youtube.com/user/fhceasefire http://www.facebook.com/pages/Frank-Herberts-Cease-Fire/164537956893870
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