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Everything posted by Darian

  1. Darian

    Dune Cheats

    You are close Taterz. You need to search in LSB-MSB order. The four digit hex number you have must be split in to two pairs of hex numbers and then reversed. As in Duncan reports 73110kg of spice. 7311 to hex is 1C8F. Search for 8F1C. In the unlikely event of more than one 8F1C strings, it will be the one near the end of the save game file. If the sun and moon move between Duncan's report and you saving the game, than spice stocks will be higher than the value you are searching for. The time updates every one minute of real time. And you could ask for the report near the end of a minute. If it doesn't seem to be working just load the saved game, ask Duncan again and the immediately resave the game.
  2. Darian

    Dune Cheats

    TIME ON DUNE The day is divided in to 16 units. That makes them 90 minutes long. Each unit takes 60 seconds of real time. That makes a day 16 minutes long. The minimum time is Day 1 12am. The default time is Day 1 4:30am. The start time is Day 1 9am. The clock goes to Day 365 10:30pm and then resets. The results go to Day 999 10:30pm. The maximum time is Day 4096 10:30pm. Wait for morning is 4:30am. Wait for evening is 10:30pm. Travel makes time go by at a faster rate. The two bytes that contain the Date & Time always follow a set of constant bytes. I checked a save game from way after the last fortress was captured and I was messing around mining all the spice and growing vegetation. Those F7 compression bytes never changed from zero. v2.1 C3 89 B2 FF FF F7 24 00 xx xx DT DT v2.3 C4 89 B2 FF FF F7 30 00 xx xx DT DT v3.7 C9 85 D6 FF FF F7 68 00 xx xx DT DT This same string is also in DUNE38Sx.SAV The xx xx seems to be a sub hour counter that goes from 0 - FFFF. Set it to zero when you change the DT. I have seen the least significant byte of this value be 00 which of course pops that F7 compression value up by one and moves the DT value over by one. Here are some DT values and what time they show on the saved game name (Log 1 or Log 2). FF FD = Day 1 12:00am FF FE = Day 1 01:30am FF FF = Day 1 03:00am 00 00 = Day 1 04:30am 00 0D = Day 2 12:00am 16 CC = Day 365 10:30pm 3E 6C = Day 999 10:30pm FF FC = Day 4096 10:30pm The two DT bytes are stored reversed (least significant to most significant byte order). If you are calculating a date to set, you need to subtract 19 dec from what you think it sould be. Day 2 12:00am should be 2x16=32. Subtract 19 before writing the value and it will be correct. Day 10 12:00pm would be 10x16+8=168-19=149 or 95hex. You would write this in the file as 95 00 or 00 00 95 00 to set the subhour counter to zero.
  3. Darian

    Dune full map!

    You cannot find Celimyn-Tuek by flying over it with someone to spot sietches. You have to edit the same game and turn its bit flag to visible. If you look at John2022's spice map you can see that he just turned all places to visable and prospected. Obviously the spice prospectors wouldn't go to an unconquered fortress and report the spice density! If you want this sietch you should edit your saved game after finding Kynes and turn its visibility byte on (by turning of fthe 7th bit). To find a sietch search for its GPS bytes (F6412700 for Celimyn-Tuek). The first occurance will be the sietch any other occurances of that byte string will be troops stationed at that sietch. By searching for the GPS coordinates you should be able to find the sietches and troops in either version (2.3 or 3.7) and at any time during the game. The troop you are looking for would have to be in one of the 62 sietches. I have found out how the time works: TIME ON DUNE The day is divided in to 16 units. That makes them 90 minutes long. Each unit takes 60 seconds of real time. That makes a day 16 minutes long. The minimum time is Day 1 12am. The default time is Day 1 4:30am. The start time is Day 1 9am. The clock goes to Day 365 10:30pm and then resets. The results go to Day 999 10:30pm. The maximum time is Day 4096 10:30pm. Wait for morning is 4:30am. Wait for evening is 10:30pm. Travel makes time go by at a faster rate. I wrote a program back in '92 or '93 (version 2.3) in QBASIC to report or set the time in a saved game. What I did: Start searching at byte 5600 (File ptr = 5600) Find Int -30268 (I don't remember how to convert back to hex, but this might be F63C) At File ptr +1 find -19831 (look for a 3 byte string that always has the same value) Int at File ptr +10 = Day+Time (a 2 byte value) If Day&Time < 0 than add 65536 Add 19 to Day&Time The high 12 bits is the Day The low 4 bits is the Time Set Day&Time to anything Subtract 19 from Day&Time If Day&Time > 0 than subtract 65536 Write Day&Time at File ptr +10 I hope that Mr. Stephan Fourie might continue updating his DuneEdit.exe to work on both versions of the game and to edit saved games at any point during play. It would be greatly appreciated.
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