::) And I get stuck with the nice crowd. ^_^ Anyway. The Icka Stones come from Peru, and they are stones that are carved with images of dinosaurs and people. I've seen one of a native (Isn't that what you'd call them??) cutting off the head of a dinosaur. Another of a guy riding one! Now, something most people I know do not know, they've seen (and retrieved) from beneath very icey, cold places (Arctica, Antarctica, Alaska) PALM TREE LEAVES AND GREEN WOOD! I saw a fossil that was a human shoeprint on top of a trilobite. Yes, a trilobite. I, however, do not believe what one scientist suggested to explain it. "Maybe there was a large trilobite that was shaped like a shoe and it fell on a small one," Why do I doubt that? ^_~ My, where were you people when I was in bashing sessions? You would have had SUCH fun! You seem to be experts! Ja ne, minna-san!