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  1. --.-- Hoo boy..... How should I put this delicately? One, Christianity isn't a religion. It's based on a relationship with Jesus Christ. Okay? Alright. Glad you've gotten that into your head. Second, the Bible is VERY scientific! Science is just now catching up to the Bible! Read the book of Job, if you will. It mentions many things that, back then, were not known at all! Geez, I hate repeating myself..... By the way, the reason I don't post much is because one of our horses recently died of colic and we're having to deal with that. Just so you know. Ja matta, people.
  2. Hoo boy.... look peeps, I won't be posting much because my family is going through some money trouble and we're gonna hafta get the phone cut off. Anyway. How about someone here who LIKES communism travel to a Communist country for a week or three, eh? Read the book Mind Seige, it'll set you straight. By the way, what the heck is TRUE communism??? I sure as heck don't wanna see how bad IT is compared to the rest! Huggles an' kishes peeps! Ja matta! ^_~
  3. ::) And I get stuck with the nice crowd. ^_^ Anyway. The Icka Stones come from Peru, and they are stones that are carved with images of dinosaurs and people. I've seen one of a native (Isn't that what you'd call them??) cutting off the head of a dinosaur. Another of a guy riding one! Now, something most people I know do not know, they've seen (and retrieved) from beneath very icey, cold places (Arctica, Antarctica, Alaska) PALM TREE LEAVES AND GREEN WOOD! I saw a fossil that was a human shoeprint on top of a trilobite. Yes, a trilobite. I, however, do not believe what one scientist suggested to explain it. "Maybe there was a large trilobite that was shaped like a shoe and it fell on a small one," Why do I doubt that? ^_~ My, where were you people when I was in bashing sessions? You would have had SUCH fun! You seem to be experts! Ja ne, minna-san!
  4. --_-- Yes, I have an evil compy...... Saying we all came from the pre-biotic "soup" and therefore have all those acids in all of us is plain stupidity. It's like going to a library, pointing out that all the words are formed from the same twenty-six letters and then claiming that the books all happened by chance! Guess who looks dumb there. It's not the authors. If my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great- so on and so on grandmother was chimp, why don't we see chimps give birth to humans anymore? Or humanish creatures?? Dinosaurs were called dragons in Bible times. Look in the Catholic Bible, you'll see it. If dinosaurs died out before humans got here, how do you explain the Icka Stones? Explain Nessie. Explain Bessie. Explain Kussi (Yes, that is what it's called.) Explain Champ. Explain ANY of the USO that have been seen AROUND THE WORLD. USO=Unidentified Swimming Object. Such nice people here..... Ja ne, minna-san! ;D
  5. Hehehaha ta yew too sweet'eart. By the way, Phyl-what? Who da heck is dat?? Do tell. Dinosaurs were known as dragons waaaaay back when. God created the universe just about six thousand years ago. I listen to facts, thankee. I used to believe in evolution until I was proven wrong. --_-- Which he did very well..... And, ya know the amino acids? There are... twenty of them, correct? People use that for evolution as well. Saying that we all ca
  6. ;D Hey! We got some intelligent peeps here! Alrighty.... I know most of what I state by watching Kent Hovind videos. He preaches on Creation vs. Evolution. Evolution is against God all the way. The Day-Age Theory, the Gap Theory, are all nutso. People COMPRIMISE the BIBLE!!! Which is NOT GOOD! People say that God used evolution 'cause that means they can stick God in a closet and go on with life. I don't know about _your_ God, but the God I follow did it right the first time. He didn't have to use mutants, suffering and death to get us here. There are THOUSANDS of differences between humans and apes. What PROOF is there of evolution?? Hmmm? Show me some. I'm waiting. Evolution was SHOVED DOWN MY THROAT in public school because they wanted me a good slave for their New World Order. That's what it's all about people! HITLER believed in EVOLUTION! As did the old President Roosevelt. Did you know that Hitler offered to ship all the Jews off to any country who would take them?????? He did. And guess who refused to take them? All the Jews could have been DELIVERED TO SAFETY, except the President at the time was an evolutionist! Chew on that. And, I am a girl. Thank you very much.
  7. Alright. First off. God created the universe. I know this. Uni means one. Verse means a single spoken sentence. God said "Let there be...." and there was. I'm used to arguing against evolution so Wiccan and stuff really send me for a loop. You know the evolution theory, right? It's a bogus theory. Science is CATCHING UP to the Bible. God know sthings we're only just starting to understand. Besides, you think that things a complicated as people came about by chance???? Not quite, m'deary.....
  8. Hold up hold up hold up! Back up da dern bandwagon hea! Okay, first off, I'm KANTAMA, not Kant. Thankee very much. Okay, now, science SUPPORTS God and creation. I know one guy who will pay a quarter of a million dollars to ANYONE who can CONCLUSIVELY prove evolution. Science created the universe??? Oh please! I doubt. If you found a watch laying out in woods, you wouldn't think that the watch had "evolved" there, would you? No, you wouldn't. You'd know that someone INTELLIGENT had had to DESIGN the watch. That it hadn't come about by chance.
  9. Goodness..... Seems to be getting a little off-topic here. Anyway. People, how can you prove God doesn't exist? I do not believe in religion. I believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. The one who went on the cross and died for me, that I wouldn't go to Hell. I don't get what you people are saying about religion, it's just beyond my realm of thought. I've dealt with demons, and overcome them, but you people are something else entirely......
  10. ::) My, what a lovely place. A'ight, for those who don't know me, I'm Kantama or Kantama's Blade. Long story, me no tellin'. Anyway. Okay, does anyone here dispute the Bible? Yes? I thought so. You think some maniac or smart maniac or weirdo or something decided to write the Bible, right? Wrong. Ever heard of the Bible Codes? Codes found in the Bible, fortelling of things THAT NO ONE KNEW WOULD HAPPEN!!! They tell of Princess Diana's death, the Ohklahoma Bombing, and many other things. Now, isn't that strange for a book you believe was written by a weird pyschopath.
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