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Everything posted by astrobunny

  1. oooh awesome! *checks it out*
  2. I don't blame you. SC2 is awesome. I've been doing overtime on it myself. Here's the patch for msvc. dune 2.vcproj.patch.zip Were you aware that you can't place buildings?
  3. Probably characteristic of music from the late 80s and early 90s, they love that style at the time
  4. Woot. I got it working on MSVC. But in a very untidy way. I can make a patch for you once I clean it up. Also, there is a memory bug in CreditsDrawer. The stack was smashed because currentCredits was not initialized, and sprintf tried to write a 9-digit number to a char[7] array. Fixed that and I was able to finally get into the menu. But I can't place concrete slabs hahaha
  5. I just checked out the source from SVN and wow the msvc sln is really outdated! Lots of files were moved around but the project was not changed to reflect it. Might fix it later when I get back from work if no one has done this yet...
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