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  1. And where can i download windows 2000 mode? Can't find it at windows website.
  2. I have tried virtual pc with xp mode and that doesnt work either. VM is another thing then VP i think, i know a program as VM-ware. Any suggestion there?
  3. And i have reinstalled it twice now, cant get it to work again. Well, fun that lasted for two days atleast. :(
  4. Damn, there are no files in my gamesave folder :(.
  5. I thought of that but i want to know where the gamesaves are stored? C:Program FilesGrunt Mods StudiosDune 2000gamesave It's empty and i checked "C:UsersProphallusDocumentsMy Games" becuse sometimes games stores them there but not this one. I dont want to restart the Atreides campaign, just got to the last mission =/.
  6. How sad, i have been playing for a couple of days now without problems but now suddenly it stopped working. Even with a fresh restart of the computer or trying compatibility modes makes it work again... Dident change anything and bang it stopped working... Getting the same message as before gGameticks = 0 >:( >:(
  7. Unbelievable, it worked to install the oldest driver from the webpage of radeon (amd). How come? Can u explain that? So if i install the latest now, it will probably crash again?
  8. I will try the driver, if that doesnt work. I give up. This game is fun and nostalgic, played dune 2 for the amiga many many times and even through emulator on windows but this game is not worth it to uninstall graphic card and shit. I rather play starcraft 2 beta then... And its strange that some old games that hasent even been updated works perfectly on new machines and some old games is a pain to get working. ID softwares Doom, allways runs on any OS and stuff, great work there. Thanks for the tips anyway.
  9. If im using the integrated graphics on my motherboard, doesnt that mean i have to uninstall and remove my radeon card?
  10. I have some serious problems to get this game starting. To help u with information i will write some things. 1. Using windows 7 ultimate 32-bit 2. Updated drivers for my graphic card which is Radeon HD 4870x2 3. Tried compatibility modes like windows 98/me with 256 colours and other ways. 4. Updated the game to the latest version with sucess (everything downloaded through this thread) 5- Also tried to alter the virtual memory and restart the comp without any sucess 6. Starts the game and just a black screen and no sounds or anything, flickers for a second then this message box comes up saying "Blt - An exception was encountered while performing the requested operation. [ gGameticks = 0 ]" Then i press ok and thats the end of the story. Doesn't work on Windows 7... 7. Installed msvbvm50 (VB runtime) and same message comes up. 8.1 Last thing, i will write what my failure document says: "Dune 2000 requires a 256 colour desktop to run. This video card does not support the required modes. Insufficient RAM and/or Virtual Memory. Check Virtual Memory settings and disk space to ensure at least 12Mb is avilable. File not found Please reinstall" 8.2 As i said before, i tried with 256 and altered the virtual memory on the C disc where dune is located. File not found? What the hell does that mean? Reinstall, well ofc i tried that, i can try it just to be sure again. Video card not supported? Maybe thats the problem? I also tried compatibility 98/me with 256 colours and run in 640*480 resolution and without sucess ofc. Maybe i have tried something that i havent mentioned but i hope that someone can help me with this since im eager to play this old game again.
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