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  1. Tried the files suggested by Grundtmod - the games behaves as usual, not possible to play via LAN (and the GFX error on the laptop). If i try the Westwoodonline file - im redirected to a website: (http://apiregister.westwood.com/cgi-bin/cgiclient?register&request=serialreg_menu&REGVER=65536&LANGCODE=0&Sku=1,1073,&Ver=90,131072,&Serial=,,&SysID=DDAF1E897DEFF9479633D35B86420AC8&SysCheck=2411276261&OldNick=&OldPass=) - witch says "Sorry, the 'register' server isn't available. - It may be down for maintenence. Please try again in a few minutes."
  2. Thanx i'll try this later today... I really appreciate all your help
  3. I've got it to work (single player) on one machine using grundt mod's version - so far (laptop with windows Vista and 16:10 display). I tried to install it on a laptop and standard PC both using windows 7. Both starts after a while.... On the PC the menu never appears. On the laptop there is the gfx issue, but the game starts, and it is posible to play single player mode. When using Gameranger as host - it starts the Dune Grapichs options instead of multiplayer - maybe it's caused by the "compresed" display??? If i manualy chose multiplayer options and LAN I enter the Dune Lobby - but the other computer never join the game. If i use the other laptop as host (the working one with Vista) - it automaticaly goes to LAN and Lobby - and the secondary PC start Dune but as described above goes to the Graphics menu...... I'm running out of computers :-) but i will try it on my old "fileserver" . PS: Hope you can understand my spelling - English is NOT my primary language.......
  4. ^ Sorry for not having been more precise. I have tried compatibily mode with nearly all the different setting. But i am convinced that is a hardware issue - and therefore not solvable. So my problem now is how to get LAN gaming working... I got some progress - i am currently trying to get gameranger to work - i'm not sure wich version of Dune i should use..... But my machines can "see" each other via gameranger. If I ever get it to work - I will make a guide: How I made Dune 2000 work on windows 7 :-)
  5. ^ It's a laptop, and it only support 60Hz refresh rate - thanx for the suggestion anyway...
  6. Do you know of a version witch include LAN over tcp/ip? As far as i can tell multiplayer -> lan is disabled in your version.
  7. I really hope somebody can help me. My problem is, that I simply not can get dune 2000 to work! I tried +10 different versions from my original to grundt's mod. I tried to run it on a virtual PC, tried a twistedpair LAN cable, different (read all) compatibly-settings, and so on.... I'm using windows 7 ultimate (32-bit). The two major problems are: SOLVED!! 1 - The screen flickers (GFX issue - laptop, nVidia GeForce 9300M G is not compatible, i think) 2 - Cannot play via LAN (tried a tpc/ip patch dune2000.dat file, and experimented with IPX protocol without any luck) So if someone, who actually have a working edition of Dune 2000 with LAN support, - PLEASE!! could make a step-by-step guide that explain exactly how you got it to work... And maybe with link to the files you used. I would appreciate very much.
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