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  1. Yes I have windows XP. I downloaded hamachi 1.05 yesterday with some help and was playing with a few people on dune2000 tcp-ip, just like old times :) Is that where most people play?
  2. Can anyone help me get online? I have emperor and downloaded hamachi but i dont how to use it
  3. Thanks guys big help :) just one more question how should i go about playing online?
  4. Yes thank you Thumper. I have the game installed (didnt do any patches yet) now im just trying to figure out how to play online?
  5. Sorry if this is in the wrong section (tried posting in General) but I was wondering how safe is hamachi to use for gaming? I do not know the people I would be gaming with. Will they have access to my computer and files? Will i be at risk of being hacked or viruses? Sorry im kinda new to this and looking to get back into dune after many years away. Would appreciate any responses, thank you.
  6. Um ok i guess ill delete this if i can and repost in the dune board, sorry. How about an answer to my questions though?
  7. Sorry if this is in the wrong section but I was wondering how safe is hamachi to use for gaming? I do not know the people I would be gaming with. Will they have access to my computer and files? will i be at risk of being hacked or viruses?
  8. Hello duners. After many years away from the game I am interested in returning and was wondering what would be the best way to get the game and play it online? Should i download a copy, will that be able to play online? Or is the only way to purchase the original cd? Also i know there is game ranger and hamachi to play online. Are these the only two ways of playing online and how do most people play online?
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