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Everything posted by Commander_JPC

  1. If you have lock-up problems with a voodoo 3 200o please look here: http://www.dune2k.com/forum/YaBB.pl?board=emperor-general;action=display;num=1009391186
  2. If you have lock-up problems with a voodoo 3 200o please look here: http://www.dune2k.com/forum/YaBB.pl?board=emperor-general;action=display;num=1009391186
  3. Pleas let me know if it works or if it doesn't.
  4. As far as I know unit will not stop to engage the enemy if they are moving. They will only do that if you gif them a move order while holding CTRL+SHIFT
  5. I don't think you can tell what is the best unit at one to one battles. It depends on several factors. Such as: opponement, terrain, starting position etc. However I do have a favorite overall unit. The Minotauris. It has long range firepower. Effective against infantery and armored vehicels. It has a strong amor and is perfect for base defence. However it is not very fast and not effective against fast-moving targets. Every unit has +'s and also -'s
  6. I have a voodoo 3 2000 card and sometimes emperor would lock-up. I have solved this by downgrading my driver version from 1.7 to 1.4 After this I added -C and -W to the command line In my case it looks like this: C:WestwoodEmperorEMPEROR.EXE -C -W Now emperor will start in an windowed version. That
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