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  1. Fantastic, got it fixed. Now, I need to do ordos and Atreides. Quick question, does the top line of each song ( [Harkonnen13] etc. ) matter much? Because I don't the exact same numbers you got (However, the top and middle line match.)
  2. Do I need to have the mp3s on the hard drive, or can I just add the music in the CD's .bag file to the music.bag file?
  3. No. I had to download the game since the two copys I had were scratched to hell. However, I downloaded the songs and renamed them to the appropiate names
  4. How would I change my colour in Skirmish to Red? The AI always takes red which means that Harkonnen have to do with orange. So If someone could find a way to fix that, it'd be nice. Also, how do I get all music to play in Skirmish? I did the .bag thing, adding the music, fixed up the common music like so: [LocalDefaults]Group = HD InvalidHouseVolume = 80;; Generic Front End themes;[INMenu]Data = IN_MenuLoop = YesPhase = -1[INScore]Data = IN_ScoreLoop = YesPhase = -1;; Atreides Skirmish themes;[Atreides1]Group = Atreides HDData = (AT01)The_War_BeginsTitle = The War BeginsPhase = 0[Atreides2]Group = Atreides HDData = (AT02)Sand_ExcursionTitle = Sand ExcursionPhase = 0[Atreides3]Group = Atreides HDData = (AT03)Assembling_the_TroopsTitle = Assembling the TroopsPhase = 0[Atreides4]Group = Atreides HDData = (AT04)The_Spice_Must_FlowTitle = The Spice Must FlowPhase = 0[Atreides5]Group = Atreides HDData = (AT05)The_OverseerTitle = The OverseerPhase = 0[Atreides6]Group = Atreides HDData = (AT06)Battle_of_the_AtreidesTitle = Battle of the AtreidesPhase = 0[Atreides7]Group = Atreides HDData = (AT07)Ride_the_WormTitle = Ride the WormPhase = 0[Atreides8]Group = Atreides HDData = (AT08)Infiltrating_HKTitle = Infiltrating the HarkonnenPhase = 0[Atreides10]Group = Atreides HDData = (AT10)Fremen_AllianceTitle = Fremen AlliancePhase = 0[Atreides11]Group = Atreides HDData = (AT11)Assassination_AttemptTitle = Assassination AttemptPhase = 0[Atreides12]Group = Atreides HDData = (AT12)Fight_in_the_DunesTitle = Fight in the DunesPhase = 0;; Harkonnen Skirmish themes;[Harkonnen1]Group = Harkonnen HDData = (HK01)The_MachineTitle = The MachinePhase = 0[Harkonnen2]Group = Harkonnen HDData = (HK02)SurroundedTitle = SurroundedPhase = 0[Harkonnen3]Group = Harkonnen HDData = (HK03)Tribute_to_EvilTitle = Tribute to EvilPhase = 0[Harkonnen4]Group = Harkonnen HDData = (HK04)Harkonnen_ForceTitle = Harkonnen ForcePhase = 0[Harkonnen5]Group = Harkonnen HDData = (HK05)LegacyTitle = LegacyPhase = 0[Harkonnen6]Group = Harkonnen HDData = (HK06)UnstoppableTitle = UnstoppablePhase = 0[Harkonnen7]Group = Harkonnen HDData = (HK07)Dark_AllianceTitle = Dark AlliancePhase = 0[Harkonnen8]Group = Harkonnen HDData = (HK08)War_for_the_SpiceTitle = War for the SpicePhase = 0[Harkonnen9]Group = Harkonnen HDData = (HK09)Defenders_of_ArrakisTitle = Defenders of ArrakisPhase = 0[Harkonnen10]Group = Harkonnen HDData = (HK10)House_HarkonnenTitle = House HarkonnenPhase = 0[Harkonnen11]Group = Harkonnen HDData = (HK11)InvincibleTitle = InvinciblePhase = 0[Harkonnen12]Group = Harkonnen HDData = (HK12)Victory_is_InevitableTitle = Victory is InevitablePhase = 0;; Ordos Skirmish themes;[Ordos1]Group = Ordos HDData = (OR01)Not_an_OptionTitle = Not an OptionPhase = 0[Ordos2]Group = Ordos HDData = (OR02)The_StrategistTitle = The StrategistPhase = 0[Ordos3]Group = Ordos HDData = (OR03)House_OrdosTitle = House OrdosPhase = 0[Ordos4]Group = Ordos HDData = (OR04)GholaTitle = GholaPhase = 0[Ordos5]Group = Ordos HDData = (OR05)ExecutronicTitle = ExecutronicPhase = 0[Ordos6]Group = Ordos HDData = (OR06)DeceptionTitle = DeceptionPhase = 0[Ordos7]Group = Ordos HDData = (OR07)SabotageTitle = SabotagePhase = 0[Ordos8]Group = Ordos HDData = (OR08)Dream_of_the_ExecutrixTitle = Dream of the ExecutrixPhase = 0[Ordos9]Group = Ordos HDData = (OR09)A_Plan_of_AttackTitle = A Plan of AttackPhase = 0[Ordos10]Group = Ordos HDData = (OR10)Ordos_ControlTitle = Ordos ControlPhase = 0[Ordos11]Group = Ordos HDData = (OR11)The_SpecimenTitle = The SpecimenPhase = 0[Ordos12]Group = Ordos HDData = (OR12)InfiltratorsTitle = Infiltrators and AssassinsPhase = 0and also renamed the track to appropiate names. But still, it doesn't work. Does anyone have their file modified already to making all songs play on skirmish? Because I'd much rather have that than try to troubleshoot the whole thing.
  5. Where is that? Looke daround in the Emperor folder and can't find it. Also, do you know how to make all music play on Skirmish? I'd love Victroy is Inevitable to play while I play skirmishes are harkonnen, and all the other awesome songs...
  6. Well, since the first A.i. always gets red, It's means I have to play harkonnen with another colour. But quite simply, Harkonnen are too damn awesome to play as any other colour than red. So i'd appreciate it if someone could tell me how to get it.
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